I wait for you to find out my love.
I wait for you to speak to me, but you do not.
You can not fill the start, I wait for you to make up.
I know you still care about me, this is enough, I wait for you to play tired that day.
I hope he doesn't expect you to wait up for him.
I didn't have to wait for their cue, if that's what you mean, Sir.
What did I forget and what are you hoping for? Can't wait to hear from you.
"I don't want to be focused only on the Carling Cup and wait for that as you never know what happens during the league, and you have to be prepared for every single game," he said.
I personally can't wait for this to happen, because psychologically, it is never easy to play in a team and to not be sure whether you will start the season or leave.
I would like to sing, dance, exclaim and wait for you! Your happiness is my biggest comfort, and I will move mountain and earth to win your smile!
Do not forget about me 'cause I will forever think about you, and I cannot wait for you to see me again.
As you know, dear Hans, I had not intended to make you wait so long for your birthday present.
The best work, I believe is produced intuitively, and if you have to wait years to do something for fear of doing it wrong, well, then you're not a very good artist.
I think I speak for all Americans when I say, 'You want more money? Wait here while I talk to the manager.
And while I could have quit my day job even if it hadn't happened, it made it that much more sure for me. I can't wait to tell you about it.
I will rotate it, wait for it to pick up a little speed and the knife, that you can't see either, is behind here and when I push the knife in, I do it exactly here.
If you need a refill of water and extra dressing, I can get it at one time. But if I'm busy, don't ask for honey mustard and wait until I bring that back to ask for extra napkins.
No, but I thought you would never come. I could not bear to wait in the house for you, especially with this rain and wind.
Old man: I usually go home this time, but I can accompany you to wait for a while, I go back and have nothing to do.
Stumbled to understand a lot, I wait for you a.
Later, in the bloomy spring season, you appear in my life, I recognized that you are to wait for my life, my whole life, just for you.
I have to wait for you, but you've forgot to have been here.
I don't have to wait for you, just boarded, and not the others.
I don't have to wait for you, just boarded, and not the others.