"I worked at it," she replied.
When you were away from me, you were still present in my art…But I know that as I worked at it, every flake and film of colour seemed to me to reveal my secret.
I run five kilometers every day, but it hasn't worked at all.
In high school and college I worked at Kingston steel drum, a factory in my New Hampshire hometown that scoured some of the 55-gallon steel drums it cleaned with acid and scalding water.
They got this little, small apartment, and I got this million-dollar home. I laughed at the trade, but they were happy to be near their daughter in Manhattan, so it worked out fine.
Ever since grade school, I was told to get good grades so I worked hard at it.
I first encountered DFA several years ago when I worked on regular expressions, but it has been at least three years since I last used them so I spent some time researching the subject.
By then, I'd worked out that at school the best reaction was to be funny about it so that I wouldn't get teased.
I've worked at home for nearly 20 years, and there used to be days when I would go to lock the front door at bedtime, and find I'd never unlocked it from the night before.
You've worked with this already so you're a little bit familiar with it, and at the outset here I have two questions for you.
I've worked very hard to import this idea [Agile] to Japan to make the life of engineers easier. I worked so hard on it that I almost got fired, or at least I had to change jobs!
Finally, the path I lay out here should not be looked at as the only? Or even the best? Route to learning how to make games, but it has worked well for me and for other people.
Even if I weren't the best in that field (whatever the field might be), at least I would have heard from people I worked hard at it.
I had read reviews that it worked immediately so I began applying the cream at every feeding (every 2-3 hours).
我看评价,这个会很快产生效果,我立即开始使用,每一次喂哺的时候(每2 - 3小时)。
It also really focused a lot on the relationship between Yao and Colin Pine, which worked at times, but at other times, I was kind of sick of seeing Colin.
The best aspect of the weekend might have been the KERS; it worked really well at the start, although I couldn't use it 100 percent, because there was not enough room.
My dad worked at a slaughterhouse, and I wasn't aware until I was 10 or 11 what it was he actually did.
I don't know how long it took him to learn the sounds of the machines but it must have taken him quite a time because he only worked one saloon at a time.
Ted : I worked at a marketing agency. it was on the small side but on occasion we got some interesting cases. How long have you been with the company?
At first I thought it was crashing but then I waited for a couple of minutes and it worked out fine.
It worked for me at a difficult time in my life, and I haven't put my brushes down since.
God was fair; I worked it out at last.
Sometimes I filled a lard pail with cool water and kept it by me for refreshment while I worked at my sandpile or some other obscure project in the back yard.
I studied art and worked hard at it.
She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.
She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.