I would wish for people, though, to be able to make that decision from a place of empowerment rather than fear of Fall or dark flowering or whatever.
He wrote: 'If I had one wish I would wish for all the pizza in the world except for vegetable pizza and anchovie [sick] pizza, and if I had two wishes I would have one million dollars and that pizza.
I wish you would come back to Washington with us, but that's for you to decide.
I wish I could say another time would be okay, but you know how it is, everybody's already got commitments for the whole semester.
"I wish you would say the songs to me, child, for I should like to hear them," said the doctor.
"Please, Sir," he said, "I wish you would kindly let me try and drive the car for a little."
I wish patients would take more responsibility for their own health and stop relying on me to bail them out of their own problems.
I shall send for my clothes when I get to Longbourn; but I wish you would tell Sally to mend a great slit in my worked muslin gown before they are packed up.
It seemed for a time that I would have my old wish, to be just like him, but certain differences were too large to be ignored.
I just wish they would have implemented all the changes for the 2013 race and given people plenty of advance notice, rather than crushing those who thought they had finally reached their goal.
For example, there is a huge difference between saying "I wish I have a house that big someday" versus "It would be great to have a house that big someday."
If I had the power to make one wish for you, I would find it very hard to decide what gift to give-what gift would help you to happiness.
Correspondingly, what I wish would also occur is for businesses to realize that the same principle applies to technical debts just as much as it does to financial debts.
I only wish they had included a few blank cubes that we could make up our own words parts on. Of course, it would probably head right for an NC-17 rating at that point.
I wish someone would spell the proposal out for us.
I would like to put my wishes and grateful, enrichment my wish for you, wish you every year, every day is full of happiness and joy!
My personal thanks go to him. He has been a great player throughout his career and I would like to wish him all the best for the future.
As a New Zealander, and a person who has donated money at times to Greens for their work with clean food and a healthy environment, may I say that I I wish Australia would take him back.
My son starts school today. It's going to be strange and new to him for a while. And I wish you would sort of treat him gently.
Still it would be insane to wish for USSR to return at this point, and I definitely would not want that - I wouldn't be able to adapt.
I wish I knew someone who actually would like to bring her to China to perform for the public, perhaps to Beijing or to Shanghai.
I don't spend my time selfishly thinking of what she does for me or what I wish she would do.
I would like to wish you like green tea moisture dry throat, like candles in your office, like a scent of flowers for you!
I don't want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those who must work.
Justin: Dad, I wish you would do the arithmetic problems for me – they're driving me crazy.
Are you busy this afternoon? If not, I wish you would stay with me for a while.
Are you busy this afternoon? If not, I wish you would stay with me for a while.