When the IASB was created, it adopted the IAS and continued the work of the IASC.
I elaborate the history of income tax accounting in USA, British, IASC and PRC in the second main part.
The following members of the IASC Task Force on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support are available for interviews.
IASC has enacted IAS34 "interim financial reporting" on 2,1998, it is the fist time that IASC enact standard on IFR.
国际会计准则委员会(IASC)于1 998年2月发布了第34号国际会计准则(IAS)“中期财务报告” ,这是IASC首次就中期财务报告问题发布准则。
Previously, the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), founded in 1973, issued International Accounting Standards (IAS).
Q: It’s against IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) guidelines, why do we continue to see psychotherapists parachuting into emergency situations?
International accounting standards Committee (IASC) is a well-known authoritative organization establishing and improving international accounting standards.
There are still some deficiencies in Chinas qualitative characteristics of accounting information compared with that of American and IASC, therefore it is necessary to reconstruct it.
Then, this paper constructs the quality standard of the accounting information disclosure, taking the quality standard of FASB and IASC as the reference and unifying our country's actual condition.
The United Kingdom is one of the western developed countries. Its accounting standard has an important influence on that of other countries, especially on that of the Commonwealth of Nations and IASC.
The United Kingdom is one of the western developed countries. Its accounting standard has an important influence on that of other countries, especially on that of the Commonwealth of Nations and IASC.