As an example, consider a consultant from IBM GBS New Zealand, sent to Spain on an assignment at a critical client site.
举例来说,设想来自IBM GBS新西兰的顾问,在关键的客户端网站上向西班牙发送任务。
Because IBM is a global company serving clients in hundreds of countries, documenting the GBS CRM Business Process is a challenging task.
Consulting organizations, such as IBM Global Business Services (GBS), have developed proprietary solutions that their consultants use to enable them to effectively develop service-oriented systems.
咨询组织,如ibmGlobalBusinessServices (GBS),开发了一些私有解决方案,他们的咨询师会使用这些解决方法来实现面向服务系统的有效开发。
Consulting organizations, such as IBM Global Business Services (GBS), have developed proprietary solutions that their consultants use to enable them to effectively develop service-oriented systems.
咨询组织,如ibmGlobalBusinessServices (GBS),开发了一些私有解决方案,他们的咨询师会使用这些解决方法来实现面向服务系统的有效开发。