Samsung Electronics announced that it has developed the industry's first thermally-enhanced chip-on-film (TECOF) package for the display driver IC (DDI) used in large-screen, high-resolution LCD TVs.
Under pressure of the increase of chip scale and the decrease of timing to market, verification has become the bottleneck of digital IC design.
Chip verification, especially functional verification has become one of the most difficult and challenging issues in IC design.
Magnetic micro inductor is a new kind of on-chip device, which has a better characteristic, and is compatible with the standard CMOS IC fabrication technology.
An IC chip is mounted by flip chip or wire bonding or adhesive connection on the face of the metal substrate which has the dielectric coating thereon.
Using the chip named "Hall IC", to measure the distance by counting the wheels that the robot has run.
Using the chip named "Hall IC", to measure the distance by counting the wheels that the robot has run.