The specialized content model should always identify elements through the element entity rather than directly by name.
For each element we need to identify the best source for it.
As each element is defined, you need to identify which parent elements it can be in and which child elements (if any) it can contain.
The XSL files in this directory are named so that you can identify which files you need to modify for which element type.
A key element of information management is the ability to identify valuable information and to organize that information to best benefit a particular audience.
You might create an element for each one, or use a single, repeating element with a qualifying attribute to identify each of his addresses.
Each base content element has an element entity to identify itself and its specializations.
Messages have variable data for each instance or occurrence of the element to identify the precise resource and other data required to fix the problem.
SGML can seem complex, and HTML (which was really just an element set) was just not powerful enough to identify information.
This element helps to identify statements which are performing large Numbers of sorts.
If no single data element is unique, does a combination of data elements uniquely identify the data?
Decryptor understands XPath expressions in order to identify the XML element for decryption.
This id is a required list element in the ListModel that must be returned from this method, and it is used to identify the component instance in subsequent CAI interactions.
Encryptor understands XPath expressions in order to identify the XML element for encryption.
You cite the public identifier of the subject with the subjectdef element and identify the subject definition format with the format attribute.
Here we identify sticky announcements with a class attribute value in the containing DIV element.
To identify blocks of content generated by specific template files, we use a class attribute value that describes the content fragment in the containing element.
Because in Listing 1 I want to keep the message dynamic, I have used the span element to mark the component and the wicket: id attribute to identify the component.
The Eclipse platform requires this element and its three attributes in order to identify the extension.
Axis generates the name SQService for the name attribute of the service element used by the Bus to identify services.
Alternatively, Razor also allows you to use a element to explicitly identify content.
As you may remember from the previous article, the primary thing that Application Developer adds to the EJB dd is the id attributes that uniquely identify each element within the dd.
您可能记得上一篇文章中,Application Developer添加到EJBDD的主要内容是唯一标识DD内每个元素的标识属性。
The XML Input stage uses a Key column to identify the repetition element, which determines how the XML data is generated.
XMLInput阶段使用Key列标识重复元素,这决定如何生成 XML数据。
For assistive technology to identify the element on the HTML page, the id should be unique, or there will be confusion about which element is the correct one.
As we click around in the application, new events will be pushed onto the top of the stack, and the pointer will identify the last element added.
Each element in the form contains a unique id because you want to be able to identify each piece using jQuery.
The fault code element provides an algorithmic mechanism to identify the fault.
One element is to identify groups, possibly including militias, that the U. S. can strike power-sharing and cease-fire deals with, the sources said.
You can identify a primary subject with the href attribute of the topicsubject element, which also contains subjectref elements for the secondary subjects.
可以用topicsubject元素的hre f属性来表示主要主题,这个元素还包含subjectref元素来表示次要主题。
You must identify which contact property definition or contact element set is being changed.