There is no give and take, as the controller is uncomfortable and bossy if you want to make a choice about something.
If, however, you are unsure which style of swimsuit to choose, let 21st Century help you make the right choice to make a splash this summer.
But if I had to make a choice between sugar and artificial sweeteners, I'd choose sugar in a heartbeat!
If the SOAP client is available, here's how to make a simple choice between REST and SOAP.
If you've been in a similar spot in the past, what choice did you make?
If they couldn't make a confident choice, they essentially chose to do nothing.
If users make a particular mistake fairly often, your choice of words is probably poor.
If you're stuck and don't have enough info, let go of worry and just make a choice.
It did not matter if the researchers told them to make choices, or if it was a spontaneously made choice, or if making the choice had consequences or not.
If your name is in the paper, make sure it's for a reason of your choice!
If you make a choice to give up that pay check, you are opening your family to the risk of financial instability down the road.
A mistake is a choice people would make differently if they could it do over again.
If a task is taking more time than needed, then I make a choice. Either I.
However, if the volunteers tensed up too long beforehand they felt depleted by the time they had to make a choice.
So, if someone is offered $10 at the beginning of any given week, or $11 at the end of it, he should make the same choice, whether that week starts now or a year from now.
I find myself wishing for a "do-over," as if I could roll back time and make the other choice.
And besides, shouldn't a woman be able to make this choice, if that is really what she wants?
No trust in Decisions Made: Even if you finally do make a choice, it is very possible that because of your low self-confidence, you have no trust that your decision was the best for the circumstance.
I used to have a very large poster hanging on the wall in my classroom that read: If you make a choice you must be willing to accept the consequence of that choice.
But it will be easier for voters to make that call if they enjoy a real choice on election day.
If saving were a commodity like any other, better returns and wider choice would make saving more appealing.
But on balance, when you make a decision - even if it is a hypothetical choice - you will value it more and expect it to bring you pleasure.
Even if they see a bicycle or a backpack that meets their requirements, they can't make a decision until after they've examined every option, to make the best possible choice.
And if customers have to give up choice to use a new computing device, it certainly would be nice if it fit in their pockets and let them make phone calls.
If the needed transformations make heavy use of such algorithms, a general-purpose language is likely to be a better choice than XSL.
If you're a PHP developer, it doesn't take long to make a profound discovery when it comes to your programming language of choice: Large projects can get messy.
Imagine if everyone thought that they could make a difference and everyone did just one little thing, changed one little habit, or made one different choice.
One fear is that enforcing norms with money could make things worse: if people are rewarded for good behavior, they tend to think of it as an economic choice and not a moral one.
If there is a question as to the choice the biology will make in the same or similar circumstance then a physical presentation or test is arranged and the biology can exhibit its choice.
Note to interviewer: If interviewee cannot choose a candidateor is vacillating, ask "If you had to make a choice based onthe information you have before you, who would you pick?"