If your answer is "Not well at all", don't despair.
It was dreadful the way all the three were looking at him, just as if they did not admire him.
While the original aim was to raise the hull if at all feasible, the operation was not given the go-ahead until January 1982, when all the necessary information was available.
"If we are designing for engineers, I'm not talking about a 'game' at all," Cornetti says.
No, not at all, if you know some of the basics.
And in fact, I would submit that most (if not all) of us do this at some time or another.
You then check if this field has any value at all or is not numeric, and, if either of these conditions hold true, you return an error.
Making big-applications in PHP is not at all difficult if you work carefully.
The draw-back to using a unique namespace for headers is that a JAX-RPC handler might not recognize the header at all if it is not searching for that exact name.
If so, fear not; we are all that person at some point.
"It is better not to fly at all, but if you really have to then offsets are a good last resort," he said.
“It is better not to fly at all, but if you really have to then offsets are a good last resort, ” he said.
“完全停止乘坐飞机当然更好,但是,如果你确实必须乘坐飞机话,那么,抵消就是最好的终极手段了。” 他说。
No problem if you produce HTML, but that approach is not pretty at all if your code relies on the exact content of the element.
Not at all, "he said, sounding as if he were telling a subtle joke."
If an element is not highlighted at all, it does not join or propagate a transaction.
If performance evaluations are done poorly, managers are better off not doing them at all-especially if by not doing evaluations, the alternative is more frequent coaching and communication.
It turns out that people differ in how they perceive many if not all odors, and most of us have at least one scent we cannot detect at all.
At one stage it looked as if it might not have a role at all.
If you're a perfectionist, like me, you might especially be prone to not doing anything at all if you think you can't do it expertly.
It got me thinking - what if, it's better not to have any beliefs at all?
TVs, computers and other gizmos should not be in your bedroom if at all possible.
I don't think the restaurants we sell our vegetables to would care at all if we were not certified.
What if you do not want to use SAX at all?
Before recession struck firms in America and Britain had not needed to borrow much, if at all, to finance new offices, factories and plant.
"No. Not at all," he said, sounding as if he were telling a subtle joke.
Not all tests need to be run at all times, particularly if you are making changes in the code that affect only specific modules.
It won't cover everything, but if you are currently not tracking at all, it's a solid first step.
It won't cover everything, but if you are currently not tracking at all, it's a solid first step.