If we try to keep it a secret, she's guaranteed to find out.
If we try our best to recycle the wastes, we can reduce pollution and conserve natural resources.
Now, if we try to sneak in a new employee's computer with an invalid network ID, our application knows not to accept it.
If we try to leave, they'll be killed.
If we try to make generic tree of it, it will be compromised.
If we try to impede the efforts of others then it is not good.
What happens if we try to resist or control something by force?
The real question is this: What happens if we try to cause trouble?
If we try to live by the opinions of others, we will build our life on sinking sand.
If we try to get you married, we can't go and tell people, people will ask what is that.
If we try to make each action count, we'll do less, but focus on more important actions.
In bash terminology, this is called "variable expansion". But, what if we try the following.
Running is play, for even if we try hard to do well at it, it is a relief from everyday CARES.
For instance, if we try to put ten pounds of stuff in a five-pound bag, is it the bag's fault?
If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life.
If we try to play by the same rules as the U.S. companies, we will not be able to win a bright future.
If we try to attempt that, regardless of the outcome, we'll feel as if we have accomplished something.
If we try to avoid the confrontation then creativity, motivation, hope and positivity start to dwindle.
If we try to tickle ourselves, our brains anticipate this "attack" and prevent us from feeling panicked.
“Even if we try to live like normal people, ” she says, “the [Hindu] upper-castes will never accept us.”
It's a period of actual crisis, even if we try to tough it out and act as if everything is under control.
Now, if we try to sneak in a new employee with an invalid network id, our application knows not to accept it.
But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
At least not if we try to take these claims fairly literally or take them to be metaphysical claims about the nature of death.
But even if we try to discover the unknown world, our memory either continues to float in the unknown world or remains as an analogy.
If we try to promote French, to the detriment of English, you may prevent people having access to the latest information and findings.
Even if we try to soldier on, our socially attuned nervous systems are telling us that exclusion is very bad for our survival prospects.
When we take a risk we cannot know beforehand what will happen, but if we try our best we are certain to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose.
When we take a risk we cannot know beforehand what will happen, but if we try our best we are certain to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose.