If you are prompted to save after selecting ST 751, click OK.
如果选择ST 751后,系统提示您保存,单击OK即可。
If you are prompted to switch to the J2EE perspective, click No.
If you are prompted to switch to a Web Perspective. Click OK.
If you are prompted about synchronization information, click OK to clear it.
If you are prompted to make Mozilla Firefox your default browser, select Yes.
If you are prompted to change the auto launch configuration to your workspace path, click Yes.
Note: If you are prompted to switch to a different perspective, select No (remain only in the J2EE perspective)
注意:如果你被提示切换到另一透视图,选择No(你需要留在J2EE 透视图)
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or provide confirmation.
If you are prompted for a password, rectify the problem by installing your public key on the remote host and try again.
While creating a line shapefile, if you are prompted to add a point, a warning is written to standard error indicating that the shape was ignored.
Select all Important updates, and then click Install. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
You will now be prompted if you are sure if you want to go through with your actions select yes to continue.
If it is a legacy version then a you are not prompted to migrate during model load and b you are warned that it is legacy version if the user attempts to migrate it manually.
This can be dangerous if it "corrects" your command to something you didn't actually mean, so you are always prompted after it detects the correction.
Associates are those within your sphere of influence; Allies are those who will recommend you to others if prompted; while advocates will actively promote you without being asked.
If a meeting invitation contains a room that is not already in your preferred rooms list, you are prompted to specify whether or not it should be added (see figure 10).
If the plug-in is not detected on your system, you are prompted with the option to install it.
When you are prompted to log in, if the values are pre-filled, as Figure 6 shows, click OK; otherwise, enter your user name and password, and then click OK.
If you save this page to the PHP server and open it in a browser, you are prompted for the URL location of your WSDL file.
If you open this document later, you are prompted to allow the macros saved within the document to be run.
If you are using Windows, you will be prompted about what version of the driver, as shown in Listing 5.
When you first start Eclipse, you are prompted for the location of this directory (assuming you don't specify it as a command-line option), and Eclipse creates it for you if it doesn't already exist.
If you are connecting to the Jazz server for the first time, you will be prompted to log in.
If you haven't made the connection to the library, you are prompted to build the library connection.
If you copy and paste the URL in Listing 7 into your browser, you might notice that you are prompted to supply your Twitter user name and a password.
If several drives are available, you might be prompted to specify which drive you want to clean.
Q. If I could just follow-up on Chris's question, there are a lot of doctors who do blood spinning, and what was it that prompted you to go to or have Dr. Galea come?
He may talk to you as if he were a pessimist beyond redemption, but his own activities are always prompted by unblenching idealism.
(If you are not prompted to start the server, start the server and then add the XYZInsuranceEAR project to the server before running the page.)
Url1 if the check fails, then continue to check whether url2 successful, if we continue to fail, you are prompted to save Url1 to return to the page content.