The idea that he had was, if you go from me to you, with a clockwise rotation, you go from you to me by a counterclockwise rotation.
But listen, if you take me to Bricktop's, I promise to go Home with you.
If you want to go on sharing this apartment with me, you've got to stop having parties everyday and playing music loud after midnight.
If you don't believe me I, dare you to go out with the "nice guy" and tell me the experience was a bad one.
I was wondering if you would like to go to the church with me this coming Sunday.
Well, if I go with you and there's no time for me to go back home to be with my family, and also there are a lot of things that I haven't seen yet around Beijing...
If I have one more ticket, will you go with me?
Would you like to go to the cinema with me? I mean, only if you want to.
I wonder if you could go climbing with me.
我想知道你能和我一起去爬山吗? 。
If you meet with any difficulties and want help here, don't go to the bailiff, come to me. '.
If you go to your local branch, at most Banks you'd have to start from scratch with your story: "I had a look at these products, I requested the following information... can you please help me?"
If you hear me, please talk to me! I swoon almost with fear. But, where do you go?
If I wanted — If I really had to talk to Rumsfeld, I'd go to this person and say, "Can you get me in touch with Rumsfeld?"
For example: instead of asking your crush if they are going to the dance, ask, "Will you go to the dance with me?"
A Chinese DINK said to me recently, "if you didn't have three children, you could go to a bar or the cinema with your wife on weekends — how unrestrained and romantic that would be!"
The Olympic Park. You can go with me if you like. Where is the nearests for Bus No. 713?
Roderigo. I think I can discover him, if you please, To get good guard and go along with me.
If I had two steamer tickets, would you go with me?
Wendy: the Olympic Park. You can go with me if you like. Where is the nearests for Bus No. 713?
If you go to the dance with me.
If you choose to go with me and others on this exciting adventure, just make sure your license is current and you have your motorcycle endorsement.
Please let me with you if you really want to go because my heart has been put on you here .
I wondered if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me.
It is late now and I must go to bed (it would be nice if you were there with me) so I will say good night and I love you.
I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me?
Grace: Hello. Karen, this is Grace. I called to see if you are free today? Want to go (window) shopping with me this afternoon?
Grace: Hello. Karen, this is Grace. I called to see if you are free today? Want to go (window) shopping with me this afternoon?