Peter, if you trust in me, come down!
If you put your trust in me, I will not let you down.
His master looked at them and said to me, "If you trust me, I will add more cuts in the form of special style and reuse."
If you took your laptop and smashed it in front of 50 other laptops, trust me, none of them would care.
If you are a salesperson, tell yourself, I am an effective salesperson. I am one of the best in my branch. Customers like and trust me.
Trust me, my friend, if from time to time you review these questions and your answers, it will almost guarantee that you will move in the direction of your dreams?
If you are trapped in a damaging past, instead of fighting to change things, accept what had happened and what you can't change, and trust me, you will find more peace.
And trust me, if I did, you wouldn't be so all in love with me.
When you start to feel afraid, affirm your trust in Me. Speak out loud, if circumstances permit.
If you will put your faith in me, and TRUST me.
It would be wrong of me not to trust a gentleman such as yourself, Sir, even if you do dress in a rather unusual way.
If you keep telling your partner how much you don't trust them, push it in their face, trust me, sooner or later they will prove you right.
And trust me, if a room full of peace-loving people finds something compelling about war, so do 20-year-old soldiers who have been trained in it, I promise you.
Hopefully you trust me if I say that the budgets of Chinese young generation is much different than in western countries.
Hopefully you trust me if I say that the budgets of Chinese young generation is much different than in western countries.