Abruptly he turned the ignition key and started the engine.
He fumbled the key into the ignition.
To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key.
They park in the back lot of the theater. Samuel takes the key from the ignition and looks over at Adie's hand zipping and unzipping her purse.
You slip the key into the ignition and crank the engine to life.
The technology of ignition and flame spreading is one of key technology of charge design in large caliber guns, which almost chose center core igniter system.
Elderly couple Faye and Bill Walker and their son, who was in a wheelchair, had their car packed, key in the ignition and family dog in the back.
The ignition key must be in the key cylinder for cylinder removal.
The ignition and steady combustion of fuel and combustion condition are the key factors to the combustion stability of boiler, so they determine the security and economy of boiler.
I put the key into the ignition, and wonder if, on the way home, someone will cross in front of my car and our eyes will meet and we will just know.
The ignition key ring and glove box lighting are deleted, along with map and door courtesy lamps.
The knock threshold detection is the key of gasoline engine knock detection, and it is the key of the closed loop ignition control of gasoline engines.
And switch ignition on with this key.
To start the engine of (an automobile, for example) without a key, as by short-circuiting the ignition system .
This paper gives emphasis to structure, performance, key point of design and key link of operation of an ignition device over bed in fluidized bed boiler.
Destroy the V2 Rocket. The Ignition key will be around nearby.
Magneto is the key component of motorcycle and supplies the power for ignition system, also act as flywheel by connecting with the crankshaft of motorcycle.
The fault could allow the ignition key to be removed without the vehicle being shifted into "Park" and could cause a car to roll away, Honda said.
This light comes on every time the ignition key is turned to on or START.
In situ combustion is an important method for thermal recovery of viscous oil reservoir, the key of success is sand face ignition.
At some point you'll have to put the key in the ignition, start the engine, and push the pedal. You can't do that with your mind.
The driving instructor taught her to put the key into the ignition to activate the car.
The key technologies in operation of plasma ignition system were analyzed; in addition, the precautions for oil-free operation and ESP start-up before ignition were presented.
Through analyzing the ignition control theory, this paper concludes two key factors as the criterions of appraising the airbag's ignition: ignition term and optimal ignition moment.
Through analyzing the ignition control theory, this paper concludes two key factors as the criterions of appraising the airbag's ignition: ignition term and optimal ignition moment.