Some high-quality and stable active limes with higher activity and lower ignition loss have been produced.
Additionally due to its compression ignition without throttle loss of valve throttle, it can make a higher heat efficiency.
Combustion parameters such as ignition temperature, peak temperature of maximum weight loss rate, burnout temperature, maximum rate of combustion, and combustibility index were analyzed.
The main factors affecting fuel consumption and ignition loss of industrial furnace are analyzed.
In the heating process of rolling reduction of fuel consumption and ignition loss is of great significance.
For external radiation ignition manner, a series of small-scale fire tests were conducted in a cone calorimeter in accordance with ISO 5660. Heat release rate and mass loss rate were measured.
外部辐射着火的方式采用符合ISO 5660标准的小型锥形量热计来实现,测量其热释放速率及质量损失速率。
Improper combustion, due to a rich mixture, defective ignition system, loss of compression in the engine, a cold engine, and so forth, will result in carbon deposits on the exhaust valves.
The reasons of frequently pressure ring ignition loss are analysed of 25mva electric furnace, and the structure is improved, the applied result is very well.
Effects of quality index, which are volcanic ash activity, loss on ignition, fineness and water demand ratio, on quality of fly ash are expatiated, the requests to quality of fly ash are put forward.
Effects of quality index, which are volcanic ash activity, loss on ignition, fineness and water demand ratio, on quality of fly ash are expatiated, the requests to quality of fly ash are put forward.