After the ignominious defeat of 1967, the Arab states again rejected the idea of peace with Israel.
In 1654, a British expedition to capture Jamaica from the Spaniards suffered an ignominious defeat.
The Canaries were relegated from the Premier League on the final day of the 2004/05 campaign with an ignominious 6-0 defeat at Fulham.
令人惋惜的是,诺维奇城仅仅在英超联赛呆了一年,便又降入次级联赛。 2004-2005赛季的最后一轮,诺维奇城0-6惨败给富勒姆,不幸降级,令人心痛。
The Canaries were relegated from the Premier League on the final day of the 2004/05 campaign with an ignominious 6-0 defeat at Fulham.
令人惋惜的是,诺维奇城仅仅在英超联赛呆了一年,便又降入次级联赛。 2004-2005赛季的最后一轮,诺维奇城0-6惨败给富勒姆,不幸降级,令人心痛。