"Ireland has been doing 'all the right things' policy-wise," says Jan Randolph of IHS Global Insight.
IHS环球透视公司(IHS Global Insight)的简•兰多夫表示:“从政策方面来看,爱尔兰做了‘所有正确的事情’。”
Research firm IHS global Insight expects global production of vehicles this year to fall 18% to 56 million.
研究公司IHS Global Insight预计,今年全球汽车产量将下滑18%,至5,600万辆。
Real house prices, adjusted for inflation, are back at levels last seen in 1999, says Patrick Newport of IHS Global Insight.
IHS Global Insight的帕特里克•纽波特newport指出,经通胀调整的实际房价已回到1999年水平。
The electronics boom isn't enough to improve the economy, says Chris Christopher, senior principal economist at IHS Global Insight.
IHS Global Insight高级首席经济学家克里斯托弗(ChrisChristopher)说,电子产品热潮不足以使经济获得改善。
Alistair Thornton and Ren Xianfang, economists with IHS Global Insight noted that imports were "a notch above market expectations."
环球通视(IHS Global Insight)经济学家阿利斯·泰尔·桑顿(Alistair Thornton)和任先芳指出,进口“略高于市场预期。”
Sam Ciszuk, an analyst at IHS Global Insight, says the plant’s completion has become “more like a test of endurance than a crowning moment”.
Mr. Wolkonowicz and his colleagues at IHS Global Insight, a research firm, dug into the bankruptcy filing this week and came up with their own projections.
Wolkonowicz先生和他在一家研究机构IHS Global Insight的同事们研究了这周提交的破产申请,并提出了他们自己的预测。
Looking ahead, IHS Global Insight forecasts holiday sales will rise nearly 4% over last year with online holiday spending expected to climb a whopping 17%.
But if two wanted to use the same transformer, there could be a problem, says Phil Gott, director of Automotive Science and Technology at IHS Global Insight.
NBTA and IHS Global Insight expect most sectors by next year to start rebuilding business travel spending levels, at an average growth rate of 4.2 percent over 2009.
NBTA和IHS Global Insight预期到明年,多数行业会开始重新提高商务旅行支出水平,在2009年水平的基础上以平均4.2%的速度增长。
Brian Bethune, an economist at forecasting firm IHS Global Insight, estimates business spending on equipment and software rose at a 7.3% annual rate in the third quarter.
经济预测公司IHS Global Insight经济学家贝瑟恩(BrianBethune)预计,企业对设备和软件的支出第三季度折合成年率增长了7.3%。
Sascha Heiden of IHS Global Insight, a forecasting firm, thinks the scrappage schemes in Western Europe will boost sales by about 1.2m this year and reduce them by 600,000 next year.
预测咨询公司IHS Global Insight的SaschaHeiden认为,西欧国家的车辆报废计划将使今年汽车销量增加120万量,明年销量减少60万辆。
Sascha Heiden of IHS Global Insight, a forecasting firm, thinks the scrappage schemes in Western Europe will boost sales by about 1.2m this year and reduce them by 600, 000 next year.
预测咨询公司IHS Global Insight的SaschaHeiden认为,西欧国家的车辆报废计划将使今年汽车销量增加120万量,明年销量减少60万辆。
Owing to the extensive damage caused to infrastructural networks in Japan, particularly in the north-west, IHS Global Insight has downgraded the operational risk rating by 0.5, from 1.75 to 2.25.
由于日本大范围基础设施受损,尤其是在东北海岸,IHS Global Insight的有0.5降级操作风险评级,从1.75至2.25。
Owing to the extensive damage caused to infrastructural networks in Japan, particularly in the north-west, IHS Global Insight has downgraded the operational risk rating by 0.5, from 1.75 to 2.25.
由于日本大范围基础设施受损,尤其是在东北海岸,IHS Global Insight的有0.5降级操作风险评级,从1.75至2.25。