Restrict IIS virtual directory to specific HTTP host header?
This asp page automatically generates a photo album, based on the contents of subdirectories of an IIS virtual directory.
You can create a file-system Web site and later create an IIS virtual directory that points to the folder containing your pages.
To use IIS, extract the contents of the Orchard folder from file to an IIS virtual directory (or site root), and then view the site using a browser.
使用IIS的时候,将Or chard文件夹从zip压缩包中解出来,释放到IIS的一个虚拟目录中,或者就是根目录也可以,然后使用浏览器进行浏览。
TM1 Web 9.5 installs a complete and pre-configured IIS Virtual Directory that can be accessed by opening IIS and browsing your Web Sites and Virtual Directories.
TM 1Web 9.5将安装完整的、预先配置的IIS虚拟目录,可通过启动IIS并浏览您的Web站点和虚拟目录来访问。
Optionally, you can specify the location, although by default the name of the project will be used as the name of the new ASP.NET virtual directory in IIS as well.
If the previously created virtual directory was secured by the IIS Administrator, provide a valid Name(UID) and Password.
If you have administrative rights on the server, use IIS Manager to add the Write permission to the FTP virtual directory.
In that case, the pages and folders for your Web site can be in any folder to which users have access, and a virtual directory in your local copy of IIS must point to the file location.
In IIS Manager, select the virtual directory that you want to configure.
The only way to force this to change no matter what, is to set it on the virtual directory level through IIS in the 'HTTP Headers' section of the properties menu.
In that case, you can create a virtual directory in your local version of IIS.
I know I can create a Virtual Directory in IIS.
I know I can create a Virtual Directory in IIS.