The hardest knife ill-used doth lose his edge.
Was ever any poor girl so ill-used by her serv sas I am?
We're sorry, we can't exchange iten that has been ill-used.
But she has not gone where she'll be cruelly treated; where she'll be ill-used?
Palmer said dolefully to his wife: "I believe I have been ill-used and unjustly neglected as an artist, as well as in many other ways."
Created, and then rejected, by a scientist who was seeking to fill the hole left by his dead son, Astro Boy is sometimes ill-used by humans.
But weeping in self-pity will make you a small little person – someone who can’t forgive, who is always feeling ill-used, who gets incredibly touchingness and incredibly oversensitive.
I still can't get used to the weather here, and the hot wind makes me ill.
This book always makes me think of my mother because she used to read it to me when I was ill in bed.
Consumer protection groups and parents believe that children are largely ill-equipped to recognize such techniques and that often exaggeration is used at the expense of product information.
But almost all technologies can be used for ill as well as good.
DAVID CAMERON: "Free flow of information can be used for good but it can also be used for ill."
The Internet, of course, is just a technology, to be used for good or ill.
British Prime Minister David Cameron made a comment to the effect that these tools are great, but when used for ill should be shut down.
Used judiciously, to reward attentive investors and alert the broader market to ill-understood risks that a company faces, shorting may indeed be seen as a positive social act, he says.
So I got to read the exact words he used to convince psychiatrists back in 1998 that he was mentally ill.
It is perhaps the most radical application yet of "personalised budgets", increasingly used in Britain for the disabled and chronically ill.
That work, by a group of researchers at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and published in a paper in Nature, used slow-moving neutrons falling due to gravity.
This kind of power has often been used for ill.
As researchers come to understand more about the mechanism that keeps some people safe, that knowledge could be used to help those who become ill.
The same microscopic movements could also be used to detect whether someone is going to fall ill before they feel any symptoms, say the scientists.
The hope is that next time they will be used to treat any of Europe's Banks that fall ill and to put quietly to sleep firms that are too far gone to recover.
Modern science is full of examples of technologies that can be used for ill as well as good.
Persuasion can be used for good as well as ill, of course.
However, for negative values of x, roughly -4 and lower, the algorithm used to calculate Math.exp is relatively ill-behaved and subject to round-off error.
不过,对于负值的x,一般是-4以下的数字,用于计算Math .exp的算法表现很差,并且容易出现舍入错误。
Six children died and 300,000 became ill after they consumed milk laced with melamine, which is used for making plastics, fertilizers and concrete.
Six children died and 300,000 became ill after they consumed milk laced with melamine, which is used for making plastics, fertilizers and concrete.