Concurrent provides the host computers that run the aircraft simulation models and the graphics engines, where the Sapphire image generation software and geographical database are executed.
The modular construction, used in the software of the system, consists of image input, output, processing, editing and analysing units as well as image database and graphics processing device.
In the last, using MATLAB software realizes the algorithm of iris recognition; experiment has performed on CASIA iris image database and has got a good effect.
The software can import some from the online IMDB movie database details, add a cover image (not supplied), personal rating and tracking the DVD.
该软件可以从在线IMDB 数据库导入一些电影详细资料,添加一个封面图像(不提供),个人等级以及跟踪的DVD。
The software can import some from the online IMDB movie database details, add a cover image (not supplied), personal rating and tracking the DVD.
该软件可以从在线IMDB 数据库导入一些电影详细资料,添加一个封面图像(不提供),个人等级以及跟踪的DVD。