Histogram Equalization (he) as an image contrast enhancement technique is widely used. By improving the visual effect of images considerably, it assists the viewer in discovering hidden messages.
Moreover, the obtained fluorescence image contrast was preatly enhanced using pseudo-colour image processing technique.
Experimental results obtained with this technique show substantial improvement in image contrast over that obtained via direct imaging.
A new contrast enhancement technique is presented, which can not only extend the dynamic scope of the image gray scale, but also increase the local image contrast.
The technique works by first acquiring a 3d coronary image using a continuous infusion of a contrast called gadolinium, which makes the blood-pool light up brightly.
A technique of the contrast linear enhancing algorithm of Infrared Image sequences is discussed and studied. An algorithm of image linear enhancing based on the multi-level averages is proposed.
This paper introduces a contrast based multiresolution image fusion technique.
In contrast, false colorization means the image originally has a color attribute but such an attribute has been lost in the imaging process and the technique intends to imitate the actual scene.
The new methods of the early technique of LP recognition, including LP location, LP image contrast estimation, binarization, and characters segmentation are studied and proposed.
The remote sensing image change detection is a technique to acquire change information of observed objects through contrast and analysis of remote sensing images of the same region at different time.
The remote sensing image change detection is a technique to acquire change information of observed objects through contrast and analysis of remote sensing images of the same region at different time.