And the image feature descriptor has a rotation, translation, scaling invariance, etc. it can be a very good to describe the shape and spatial distribution of information.
This paper introduces the definition of the content-based image retrieval and the visual description tools of MPEG-7, and analyzes the application of the feature descriptor.
介绍了基于内容的图像检索的定义以及MPEG - 7中的视觉描述工具,分析了特征描述符的应用。
A novel image texture feature descriptor is proposed which is insensitive to Gaussian blur and Gaussian noise.
The circular region F-norms in low frequency band of wavelet transform is used as color feature of the image and the energy ratio of high frequency band is used to form texture descriptor.
颜色特征采用整数小波低频系数矩阵中环形区域的F -范数,纹理特征则采用高频部分的能量比值。
This paper introduces the definition of the content-based image retrieval and the visual description tools of MPEG-7, and analyzes the application of the feature descriptor.
This paper introduces the definition of the content-based image retrieval and the visual description tools of MPEG-7, and analyzes the application of the feature descriptor.