Compared with most linear array push-broom images, the geometric correction methods of TM image, which is double-scanning image is particular and complex.
Geometric correction, is to remove the geometric distortion of remote sensing images, is an important pre-processing in the application of remote sensing image.
The Mosaic images with uniform tone and accurate position can be obtained after the suitable radiation correction and geometric correction for SAR images.
So it is necessary to correct such images. In this paper I consider the causes of the geometric distortion in X-ray images, and apply the camera calibration into the X-ray image correction.
Finally, for geometric correction of near space oblique remote sensing images, a piecewise polynomial geometric correction method is studied, and achieved the desired accuracy of calibration.
The map updating was based on RS images. Methods of RS image multinomial digital geometric correction, and RS image coordinate register for field base map updating were introduced.
The map updating was based on RS images. Methods of RS image multinomial digital geometric correction, and RS image coordinate register for field base map updating were introduced.