Opinion polls show the majority of Greeks are against an IMF-EU bailout, seeing it as foreign interference.
民意测验显示,大多数希腊人反对IMF -欧盟救助计划,认为这是外国干预。
According to reports, Germany requires several criteria be met before it agrees to some sort of IMF-EU bailout for Greece.
Portugal is the third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to reach an agreement on a joint bailout from the eu and the IMF.
The first step would be to default, but without entrusting the process to bankers, the EU and the IMF, for we have evidence of what that would mean.
This stance infuriates both the EU and the IMF, who worry that if Greece's fractious politicians cannot unite even when bankruptcy threatens, then they have little chance of avoiding that fate.
With such market access now out of the question, the new bail-out envisages more loans from the EU and IMF, along with some "voluntary" participation by private bondholders.
Mr Socrates says the EU and IMF have recognised that the debt crisis in Portugal is not so bad by allowing more time for deficit reduction than before.
Crowds have once again been gathering outside the Greek parliament, voicing their opposition to any further budget cuts in exchange for new funding from the IMF and the EU.
One way to avoid delay is for the IMF or the EU to promise not to bail out countries whose debts go beyond a specific threshold, forcing them to seek a restructuring.
This year's deficit target of 7.8% will be missed as a result, although Greece is still aiming to cut the deficit by six percentage points of GDP, just ahead of what was agreed with the IMF and EU.
Some fear that the cost of servicing the debts to the EU and IMF, and of feeding the insatiable maw of the Banks, will eventually force Ireland into a debt restructuring.
As the Economist went to press, voters were about to learn from the EU and the IMF the full details of the austerity measures that they face for the next three years.
Mr Socrates says that the fact that the EU and the IMF have allowed more time for deficit reduction than before shows that they recognise that Portugal's debt crisis is not so bad.
Why has Greece failed to put its house in order in the year and a half since Mr Papandreou sought bail-out cash and technical assistance from the EU and the IMF?
The EU, with the IMF and World Bank, has given support to Hungary and Latvia.
But the sweeping changes required by the EU and IMF are unlikely to happen, at least in the medium-term.
And once the EU and IMF have bailed out Greece, they will find it impossible to resist bailouts for Portugal or Spain.
During the financial crisis, only energetic arm-twisting and deep-pocketed IMF and EU support averted a meltdown of the economy.
Greece has also been getting pats on the back from its EU and IMF lenders for its progress on fiscal consolidation.
The EU-IMF loans package has been put together to help pull Greece out of its debt crisis.
Voters may be more resistant if harsh measures are seen as being dictated by foreigners, whether from the EU or the IMF.
But the sweeping changes required by the EU and the IMF are unlikely to happen, at least in the short term.
But because those public spending cuts have hit economic growth harder than the EU or the IMF thought they would, they are still in breach of their agreement.
The EU has been content to work with the IMF in helping Hungary, Latvia and Romania, but these countries are not yet in the euro.
Every quarter the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB) scrutinise Greece before releasing the next chunk of money.
Another danger is a disagreement between Greece and its trio of rescuers (the EU, the IMF and the ECB) over the conditions of its bail-out.
First, would this be an IMF or an EU programme?
EU governments and the IMF refuse to discuss the possibility of an eventual rescheduling of Greek debt for fear that it would spark uncontrolled contagion.
EU governments and the IMF refuse to discuss the possibility of an eventual rescheduling of Greek debt for fear that it would spark uncontrolled contagion.