But this particular AD jumps out at her because she immediately notices that the person in the AD is actually someone from her high school!
It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to make such an AD and buy air time, so many people immediately suspected that wealthy Republicans were behind the effort.
We don't have to ask the user what Congressional rep and senators they want to track, we just look up the location AD are able to immediately show just the delegation that's relevant to the user.
The AD played well with many of MoveOn's 3.2m members. But conservative pundits immediately attacked the network for questioning the integrity of a decorated field-commander in a time of war.
The two 45-minute periods of each match go mostly uninterrupted, limiting natural ad breaks to immediately before and after the match and at halftime.
When I first visit her home, I saw immediately that she had the same Purina Cat Chow AD taped to her refrigerator that I have taped on mine.
If you're a San Diego doctor, Des Moines architect or Portland AD agency, best to let people know so immediately, at the top of your page.
Immediately someone responded to the AD, That "s an awfully cheap price for a horse, said the caller, What" s wrong with your horse?
Most field medical situations you encounter are not immediately life threatening. The few that are can generally be AD - dressed by anyone with basic first aid skills and a rational approach.
The AD was so interesting that I bought the product immediately.
The AD was so interesting that I bought the product immediately.