The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage.
Must I go to the immigration control office?
Excuse me, where is the passport control immigration?
Often they would give their own address as the applicant's mailing address so they could maintain control over all important correspondence received from immigration officials.
Policies are framed to limit to an acceptable level population growth through immigration, and to control the entry of foreign workers.
But we now have an obligation to them, and to their children, to control future immigration - as we have following previous immigration waves - to ensure assimilation, integration and upward mobility.
In order to control the immigration crime, following measures such as creating good social environment for the immigration and using equal criminal judicial policy in the city shouM he undertook.
The campaign for Britain leaving the E. U. also focused heavily on immigration issues. It said Britain was not able to effectively control the number of immigrants because of E. U. rules.
The ACTS relate to a wide range of offences such as dealing in precious minerals, dealing in drugs, violation of exchange control regulations, immigration offences and money laundering.
Area in the country's largest inland port, the annual immigration from the Lo Wu Control Point in the number over 100 million people.
Do I have to go through Immigration and Passport Control?
International travel, immigration, changes in pest control practices and insecticide resistance may have contributed to a recent resurgence of this blood-sucking insect in developed countries.
The cell immigration was not observed in the control group.
The Command & Control Center will be located in Constanza and will provide alerts about possible threats, including drug trafficking, illegal immigration, and smuggling.
The Command & Control Center will be located in Constanza and will provide alerts about possible threats, including drug trafficking, illegal immigration, and smuggling.