The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.
There is nothing inevitable about Australia having a population of 36 million in 2050. Whether it does or not is almost entirely a matter of immigration policy.
Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown.
This autumn it called for a more active immigration policy to bring in highly skilled foreign workers, whose present number the Keidanren puts at a mere 180,000.
Countries such as the us, Canada, European countries, Australia and New Zealand are more concerned with immigration policy and quotas rather than family limitation.
That was the strategy of Pia Kjaersgaard’s People’s Party, which put its stamp on immigration policy in Denmark until the election of the Danish left in the summer.
Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a "brain drain" are overblown.
Prior to that, he worked as an Associate Deputy Attorney General focusing on immigration policy, Indian country matters, pardons and commutations and other issues.
In addition, the asylum policy provided for intellectual refugees was a brand new content and made up an important portion of the immigration policy in the FDR Times.
For roughly an hour after Mr. Flynn's resignation letter began circulating, Breitbart did not change the main story on its home page, which was about immigration policy.
Senator John McCain, once a stalwart proponent of a more moderate immigration policy, turned himself into an immigration hawk to parry a challenge in the Republican primaries.
The British side attaches great importance to China's concerns on the new immigration policy, and is ready to engage China in active and practical discussions to find a solution.
Obama has taken the stance that his country will not be taking in refugees, will not change the US immigration policy, and demonstrated that during the Haiti earthquake crisis.
At the same time, the opposing online community mixes half-truths with prejudices to cement such a negative, distorted image of immigrants that it precludes any balanced immigration policy.
Eurostat researchers caution that their projections are a "what if" scenario and do not take into account future changes in immigration policy or fertility rates that could alter the outcome.
Indeed, persistent problems in immigration policy consume valuable resources needed to advance other security objectives and make it harder to focus on the most dangerous threats facing our country.
But Australia's economic recovery has coincided with an ill-timed tightening of immigration policy: it admitted 36% fewer net newcomers in the year to September 2010 compared with the previous year.
The new immigration policy has had great impacts on the UK economy, positive or negative. On one hand, it has contributed to the growth of GDP and supplied the UK labor market with cheap labor.
Finally the thesis arrives at a conclusion that what the current British immigration policy means in practice is in part the utilization of immigration to search for high-quality human capital.
On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration law Monday—a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration.
In these circumstances, you would think, America needs an agreed policy on immigration and a set of laws to match, with both the policy and laws being written by Congress in Washington.
He wants to clamp down hard on immigration and would reinstate Mr Howard's unedifying policy of diverting asylum-seekers to impoverished Pacific island microstates.
In a paper released today called Immigration and Employment: Anatomy of a Media Story, the Institute for Public Policy Research produced an analysis of the coverage.
In order to control the immigration crime, following measures such as creating good social environment for the immigration and using equal criminal judicial policy in the city shouM he undertook.
But a new report suggests that fears of immigration as a threat to public safety are unjustified. The public Policy Institute of California released a study done in that state.
On one side are people who think that the current relatively relaxed policy risks ruining the country. on the other are those who see immigration as the key to American's revitalization.
On one side are people who think that the current relatively relaxed policy risks ruining the country. on the other are those who see immigration as the key to American's revitalization.