The results show that after post-weld heat treatment(PWHT), the welds of X80 steel seriously embrittle, and the fracture morphology of impact specimens is cleavage.
The impact test of the pendulum is used to strike the notched specimens of the cantilever beam with a prescribed height, and the test of impact absorbing power when the specimen is broken.
Charpy impact test (V gap) : the specified height of pendulum of the one-time blow to V notched specimens in beam state, test specimen is broken by the impact absorbing energy.
This test piece shall be welded using the identical welding parameters as the original test and only weld metal impact test specimens shall be tested.
Gravel multi-function impact test enginery main standard components are: shot gun components, collision chamber and specimens grippers.
The deformation behavior and shear localization in truncated conic specimens of tungsten heavy alloys under impact loading are simulated by the finite element code ABAQUS.
Wear loss of specimens for these two steels during a certain time show that low carbon high alloy steel is much more resistant to corrosive impact abrasion than high manganese steel.
Gravel multi-function impact test function of rapid specimens of loading and unloading and equipped with external extended grit boxes, convenient and practical.
Environmental testing for electric and electronic products. Part 2: test method. Mounting of specimens for vibration, impact and similar dynamic tests.
The falling-ball impact wear tester designed by ourselves was used to investigate the microstructural changes in specimens tested under the condition similar to that of ball mills.
The specimens with Widmanstatten structure have higher impact strength and lower ductile-brittle transition temperature than those with equiaxial granular ferrite structure.
When biological cells or tissue thick specimens are imaged by bio-optical microscopy, image resolution decreased significantly due to the impact of diffraction and defocus.
By changing the nolch local ion of Charpy impact test specimens studied the effect of nolch location on toughness and cracking process in multi-layer welds.
The tensile and impact properties of the specimens were measured at room temperature.
All studies show that weak plane inclination, thickness and whether be run through or not have a significant impact on longitudinal wave velocity, average modulus and strength of specimens.
The standard impact test was made for the specimens according to GB1040-79. All the specimens was notched and impacted on Izod impact testing mechine.
Methods Human spinal samples for measurement of impact test specimens were studied and test parameters of the spinal canal diameter with different impact were measured and analyzed.
All data is from injection molded specimens with the exception of Drop Weight Impact.
The CEAST 9000 Series is designed for measuring the impact performance of raw material specimens and finished components.
The CEAST 9000 Series is designed for measuring the impact performance of raw material specimens and finished components.