To use a functional language, you just need to let go of imperative programming styles. Learning to write in a more functional style has several benefits.
Once you get used to the new bind, trigger and animation support, it is hard to go back to the old style of imperative, event-driven UI programming.
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one.
The imperative (and especially) object-oriented programming style uses structure and messaging as building blocks.
The most popular general purpose programming languages -- including Python and other object-oriented languages -- are predominantly imperative in style.
First, remember that much of the power of actors comes from the message-passing style rather than the blocking-invocation style that characterizes the rest of the imperative programming world.
First, remember that much of the power of actors comes from the message-passing style rather than the blocking-invocation style that characterizes the rest of the imperative programming world.