In markets with imperfect information, price cannot equal marginal cost.
Any divergence from such circumstances can be regarded as a state of imperfect information.
Imprecision and uncertainty can be considered as two complementary aspects of imperfect information.
This article analyzes the financial fraud of listed companies under static games of imperfect information theory.
This article carries on the game analysis through establishing a complete and imperfect information dynamic model.
And so, as a surgeon, you've got to get comfortable with being willing to act even when you have some imperfect information.
This paper puts forward a partners selection model for virtual enterprises under the conditions of imperfect information.
People in the world are facing the imperfect information all the time, so do the suppliers and the demanders in education.
Here was an error that wasn't an error, but rather a predictable side effect of balancing known risks with imperfect information.
In the paper, cooperated learning under joined action and imperfect information was proposed for solving these two problems.
This paper studies the decision mechanism of credit risk in the credit markets of the commercial Banks with imperfect information.
Due to the common phenomena of detecting information is imperfect. We analyze the diagnostic strategy base on imperfect information.
The firms can transfer signals to consumers by brands on the condition that the consumers have the imperfect information about the quality of commodity.
So long as we rely on children's comprehension mechanism, can we hope for their grasping the nature of things even though only imperfect information is provided for them.
The economic transition theory based on the imperfect information proposed by Stiglitz, the famous American economist, has special characteristics and realistic significance.
That requires making judgments and decisions with imperfect information in an uncertain environment, interacting with people, seeking information - can you practice those things too?
This paper attempts to study whether sequential individuals' behavior under imperfect information accords with the prediction of the Bayesian Model by doing economic experiments.
But in an interconnected age, when both information and disease can spread in an instant, having an imperfect network is better than none at all.
Grey system theory whose research object is Grey system of which information is imperfect, contrasts with White system theory and Black system theory.
At present, there are two main problems in the circulation of agricultural products, one is the information is blocked and the other is the marketing network is imperfect.
Statistical information exists in real economic activities and is useful, but it is imperfect, unbalanced and dissymmetric.
However, the existence of imperfect markets, there is obstruction to the transmission of information, will form the mispricing of stock index futures.
At first this will assess only whether a charity publishes any information about the impact of its work (but not whether this information is useful or credible). Such data are clearly imperfect.
While, company's performance has a counteractive to the capital structure because of the imperfect of the market, tax, bankruptcy cost and information asymmetry.
And then Using the Prisoners' Dilemma model, It is proved that the accounting information distortions in our country were mainly caused by the imperfect accountant restrained mechanism;
Because of general phenomena of indefinite data or even imperfect existing, information systems that are presented to user are mostly incomplete.
Because of general phenomena of indefinite data or even imperfect existing, information systems that are presented to user are mostly incomplete.