He had no choice but to comply, allowing the Imperials aboard.
The Eloms retreated deeper below the surface to avoid the Imperials.
Whereas Thrawn wanted to capture the capital intact, these Imperials attacked without restraint and ravaged the once gleaming metropolis-covered planet.
The Imperials also wiped out the local Rodian mercenaries and Jawa clans, both of which competed with the Empire for the planet's most valuable materials.
Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, the Imperials used rumors of Bail Organa's survival in the shielded Chambers of the Royal Palace to lure Leia Organa into a trap.
The space around Ord Mantell would often fill with Imperial warships moving through training maneuvers, and the port-towns would often host Imperials on shore leave.
He carefully observed the Imperials, noting their Numbers, their strengths, and the strengths of the strange objects, vehicles, and implements they brought to Endor.
The Ewoks find their origins in the original Star Wars drafts, when tribes of Wookiees united to repel the technologically superior Imperials from their forest world.
Many Imperials, including some of Syn's Grand Admiral colleagues, turned warlord, seizing personal dominions, while others complied with the orders coming out of Coruscant.
For years throughout the Galactic Civil war, he waged his own private war against the Imperials, his most notable victory being the destruction of an Imperial Ubiqtorate base on Tangrene.
For years throughout the Galactic Civil war, he waged his own private war against the Imperials, his most notable victory being the destruction of an Imperial Ubiqtorate base on Tangrene.