Orders shipped outside the Continental U. S. may be subject to the customs fees, import duties and taxes of the country to which you have your order shipped.
Many overseas Seiko sellers will inform their prospective buyers that they would no be responsible for import duties and taxes imposed by the buyer's respective Customs.
Import duties and domestic taxes.
Has cancelled the export taxes of 35 kinds of products and has cancelled the import tariff of steel plate, and drived the customs duties of wheat and the cement down.
The DEQ term requires the buyer to clear the goods for import and to pay for all formalities, duties, taxes and other charges upon import.
South Korea would cut import taxes on American goods like beef and cars, but duties on rice would stay in place.
The buyer must pay, where applicable, the cost of customs formalities as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon import of the goods and for their subsequent transport.
The third of the exhibits are temporary Customs agreed to imported goods, imports to receive import licenses, exemption from import duties and other taxes.
The DEQ term requires the buyer to clear the goods for and to pay for all formalities, duties, taxes and other charges upon import.
Taxes and import duties have come down, but the cascading effect of indirect taxes will continue to burden Indian manufacturers until a uniform goods-and-services tax is implemented.
Import taxes, duties and transportation from customs are the sole responsibility of the customer or their designated broker.
The import duties referred to in these rules include both Customs duties and industrial and commercial consolidated taxes.
The value added tax for the import link shall be AD valorem taxes calculated on the basis of the taxable price assessed by the customs house and the anti-dumping duties.
The value added tax for the import link shall be AD valorem taxes calculated on the basis of the taxable price assessed by the customs house and the anti-dumping duties.