A second imported case of the Zika virus has been confirmed in China.
In September 2007, a chikungunya outbreak following an imported case has been notified in northern Italy.
The increase in air travel meant that any city with an international airport was at risk of an imported case.
Japan became the third Asia country reporting imported cases, while Australia had reported its first confirmed case.
South Korea reported imported cases (second case in Asia). The pattern of reports in other countries has remained similar.
Thee NHFPC said that according to evaluation by public health officials and experts, the risk of further spreading of the virus due to this imported case is extremely low due to low temperature.
国家卫生计生委称,经过公共卫生官员及专家的评估,由于近期温度较低,这例输入性寨卡病毒进一步扩散传播的概率极低。 。
On 21 July 2006, German health authorities have reported to WHO an imported case of Lassa fever, confirmed by laboratory tests at the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany.
2006年7月21日,德国卫生当局向世卫组织报告了一起经德国汉堡Bernhard - Nocht热带病研究所实验室化验确认的输入性拉沙热。
The importer of the dashboard, in this case you, owns the imported dashboard.
Expand the folder with the name of your database (in this case "DWESAMP") to have a look on the imported tables and the stored procedure.
For example, in a use-case diagram, you can link imported requirements to use cases as a way of providing additional context.
In either case, the business services catalog is populated with the imported service, with the related XSDs going into the business service objects catalog.
In this case, the primary WSDL may be uploaded directly and the imported files will be uploaded automatically during validation.
In this case, at compile time the imported classes were present, but at run time the imported class was not part of the class path.
This happens when the local currency (pesos in this case) falls dramatically against other world currencies, thereby sharply raising the price of imported goods, and hence the overall price level.
Indeed, in the latter case, the imported schemas might have conflicting declarations.
In the case of importing articles in quantities beyond a reasonable level or self-used level, the articles will be taken as imported goods and related formalities shall be followed.
First, some of the business objects are imported; in this case, those are in the com.burgerdome.order package.
首先,导入了一些业务对象;在这个示例中,这些对象在com. burgerdome . order包中。
In this case, the JBoss interface is identical to the interceptors I defined for Spring, except that the imported class names are different.
The real data to be imported comes in the third row of each section, in this case the Categories section.
To establish trust, the ca certificate which signed the LDAP server certificate or the server certificate itself (in case it's self signed) must be imported into the tm1store.
为了建立信任,必须把签署LDAP服务器证书的ca证书或服务器证书本身(对于自签署证书)导入tm 1store中。
In this case, app is the namespace prefix allocated to your imported namespace.
With a little ingenuity and some handy Google skills, one could conceivably find a way to have a cold, frosty case of bamboo beer imported to their front door.
Both stereotypes must reside in the same profile (imported profiles are not supported in this case).
From here, you can select the SystemOut.log file under the log file rollover issue case that you imported into the IBM Support Assistant earlier.
从这里,可以选择您前面导入到IBMSupportAssistant中的logfilerolloverissue案例下的SystemOut . log文件。
His case is involved excise taxes on complex transactions concerning imported and domestic oil shipments.
This paper introduces an analysis case of the abnormal self - oscillation on an imported microwave amplifier under static bias.
In this case allowable stress of imported material shall be those for equivalent material in GB150-1998 as follows.
在此情况下,进口材料的允许应力与GB150- 1998中的相当材料相同。
The imported high quality material with added-in antioxidant and anti-UV makes the case durable.
Ms Kedgley said the case highlighted the absence of country of origin labelling in New Zealand and consumers may not realise some milk products were imported from China.
Ms Kedgley said the case highlighted the absence of country of origin labelling in New Zealand and consumers may not realise some milk products were imported from China.