Russian timber is the most import part in China's imported timber.
Much of what is imported is in the form of raw materials—oil, copper, gas, timber—to feed the China boom.
In 2000, the UK, US, Japan, France and Netherlands imported more than 20 million cubic metres of illegally logged timber.
Brazilian imports, rosewood, Red Sandalwood and other valuable timber, Brazil imported wild flowers licensing propolis and raw materials, imported fruit juice in Brazil.
We chose the United States imported red oak, white oak, ash, tulip tree, elm Russian imports sylvestris are top quality original ecological timber.
Pumping huge sums of money in 2009 the company developed the "Nordic Forest" brand series of solid wood furniture, main materials are imported high-grade timber wood production of Begonia.
Pumping huge sums of money in 2009 the company developed the "Nordic Forest" brand series of solid wood furniture, main materials are imported high-grade timber wood production of Begonia.