The Basel Accord was in 1988 and you can read about this in detail in Fabozzi, et al.
《巴塞尔协议》是在1988年,你可以在Fabozzi 等人的文章中读到这方面的细节。
The boy's soul was steeped in melancholy; his feelings were in happy accord with his surroundings.
In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.
This action would not be in accord with our policy.
Salary will be in accord with qualifications, beginning at a minimum of $2,000 per month.
You nurture trust by acting in accord with the recognition that everything you say and everything you do either contributes to or erodes trust.
These ideas about rationality derive from a restricted and mistaken view of rational thought - one not in accord with the study of rationality in modern cognitive science.
There is another example in accord with the curse.
With the analysis classes and their relationships identified, I then populated each analysis class with attributes (data members) that were in accord with the responsibilities of each class.
To me, this older conception of man's nature and destiny seems more realistic, more nearly in accord with the given facts, than any form of modern utopianism.
Victory, when it is in accord with progress, merits the applause of the people; but a heroic defeat merits their tender compassion.
The larger towns in the valleys receive their goods and agricultural products from trucks along new cement roads, everything sped up in accord with the pace of modern life.
Though we are in accord on what our goals should be, we differ on the means for achieving them.
Jean Valjean looked at Javert. This mode of procedure was but little in accord with Javert's habits.
The state or quality of being in accord; harmony .
In ACCORD Lipid, fenofibrate also reduced micro - and macro-albuminuria, markers of diabetic renal disease.
In a letter sent nine days after the battle George Neville, the then chancellor of England, wrote that 28, 000 men died that day, a figure in accord with a letter sent by Edward to his mother.
在陶顿战役之后9天寄出的一封信中,时任英国宰相乔治•内维尔(George Neville)写道,28 000人在战役中丧生,这与爱德华寄给其母的信中的数字一致。
At last, experiment of open loop and closed loop system are completed, which is in accord with the simulation result. It verified feasibility and advantage of the control scheme.
But Lovelock believes that other Nature ACTS in accord with Darwinian evolution, with no conscious plan or intelligence.
Our electromagnetic systems pulse directly in accord with that of the earth, each at a frequency of about 8 Hertz.
After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Recab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, 'Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?'
Every experience is to bless you, not to hurt you. If you stay in accord with principle, you will come out higher!
These nouns refer to what is not in accord with truth, accuracy, or propriety.
These nouns refer to what is not in accord with truth, accuracy, or propriety.