Being a sci-fi buff, he decided that since this is the file that controls robots, it was time to add the three laws in there.
On one of the dirty buff-colored walls were a couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars.
He says he spends most of his home-time in the buff.
Auctioneer Giles Moon said the costume, complete with the famous "s" logo, was being sold by an avid film buff who bought it in London five years ago.
As a science fiction buff, I'd be much more impressed if we found an alien organism that has blood that is so corrosive that it dissolves metal — as imagined in the 1979 film "alien."
The baron, who was a dinosaur buff, identified the bone as belonging to a dwarf dinosaur that likely once lived on an island in the region.
The hard line is ironic in a country run by a film buff.
The covers were of heavy weight, buff-coloured calendered paper with two holes punched in the edges.
The len argument defines how much data in buff is being written.
Festival-goers can also compete in the "Camp of the Year" competition and the "Naked Run," the annual race in the buff for free tickets to next year's festival.
Festival-goers can also compete in the "Camp of the Year" competition and the "Naked Run, " the annual race in the buff for free tickets to next year's festival.
Since then, I have learnt a lot about the actor himself, much more than I knew any other actors and actresses in my long history as a movie buff.
At the suggestion of the district , we experimented with a BBC micro, with a computer buff who worked elsewhere in the hospital deputed to write our program.
Guild Talents will be things like a Mass Resurrection spell on a 30-minute cooldown, removal of reagents for buff spells, and increased gold drops in the world and instances.
Understand the mechanics of the thing, maintain it, buff it, shine it, and it will speed you in style to your destination.
If Buff stays in the Star Zoo, I thought, he'll die.
I put a little amount of polishing compound onto a damp sponge and buff the scratched area in a circular motion until scratches disappear.
In time, any man who rushed to fight a fire became known as a fire buff because of the buffalo coat he wore.
It was black in the empty space far between stars and we couldn't see anything. Buff was surprised when we landed on the star Zoo.
The rock varies in color: white, buff, brown, black, and green varieties occurring.
Nodules occupied by the marked strain turned blue in the GUS staining buff, while others occupied by the indigenous rhizobia didn't.
The right femur and the right mandible were collected and fixed in 10% phosphate-buff ered formalin for histomorphometry.
We probably could have developed the priest in that direction, where you hit Circle of Healing a few times to build up a big buff stack and then finish off the heal with another group spell.
For a duration your infantry will buff the damage of nearby Allies whenever they attack in melee.
On the second, again he is in the buff, this time wearing JUST a black sweater.
As Baumeister shows in his book, you can indeed go to the willpower gym and come out mentally buff, ready to take on the world.
On one cover, he's in the buff with just a black jacket draped over his shoulder.
On one cover, he's in the buff with just a black jacket draped over his shoulder.