Dropping out this time is the track athlete who won over fans in Beijing: Jamaican Usain Bolt, who sprinted to three world records at the Games and has continued breaking them since.
这次未能参赛的是在北京奥运会上一举成名的牙买加选手博尔特(Usain Bolt)。他在比赛中刷新了三项世界纪录,并在此后的赛事中延续了这种势头。
Down the exit corridor and out the bolt-hole he raced until he stood, gasping for breath, in the jungle a quarter of a mile from the installation.
He knew it bored me to death to sit in the office with the boring part of my work, and that I would rather bolt out of the office at every opportunity to do fieldwork, thus avoiding this bore.
The application of bolt support in No. 2 seal of Xiyu mine and its spreading is introduced; its benefit and problems are also pointed out.
In this paper, effect of the dip Angle, stiffness and design depth of bolt on the horizontal displacement of tension anchor supporting structure was carried out by FLAC3D.
In order to quickly and easily find out whether your computer possesses the capability to charge various devices through this technology, you can look for a 'bolt' next to the USB connector.
Between the regular inspection section and the pin belt between the watchband shell and spring bolt, appear to prevent out or wear, often sprang, will be trimmed or replaced in time.
International space Station in near Earth orbit, NASA astronauts carried out space walks and lost a bolt and a watcher.
Based on MDT and in view of the mine pull test instrument for bolt, the paper introduces a 3d parameter design method and points out some problems to be noticed.
In chapter 5, the surface quality of the rubber bolt was checked out by the image matching ratio and maximal disfigurement ratio.
In chapter 5, the surface quality of the rubber bolt was checked out by the image matching ratio and maximal disfigurement ratio.