Once the recording is finished, you can watch your video on the Screenr site or embed it in a blog post. You can also upload it directly to YouTube, or download it to your desktop for further editing.
Members can also read news and success stories and watch Webcasts on the Web site, as well as review other ISV solutions in the IBM Business Partner Application Showcase.
成员还可以在网站上阅读新闻和成功案例,关注网站预测,并在IBM商业伙伴应用程序展示窗里回顾其它IS V的解决方案。
If the listener clicks on it, Pandora keeps playing music in the background, and if the listener decides to watch a video or make a call from the advertiser’s Web site, Pandora will pause the music.
AOL would be the first, formative [online] experience for tens of millions of users, noted David Cassel, who ran the AOL Watch Web site in the 1990s.
In late March, the researchers started a second Web site, in Maine, called Maine Audubon wildlife Road Watch, available via wildlifecrossing.net.
YouTube had risen so fast by making it easy to watch and share videos in any web browser, and by making it almost as easy to upload home-made videos to its site.
It also records the position of your website over time so that you can watch out for any downward trend in the search engine position of your site.
Thanks for your enjoying our opening ceremony. If you feel free and interested in it, you could watch the main parts of the ceremony via the following web site.
Online video site Youku. com Inc. is testing a service in which users would pay to watch high-definition movies and educational videos.
There are countless posts in numerous blogs about site owners who employed link farms, FFA's, and link exchange programs only to watch their sites disappear from the search engine results.
There are countless posts in numerous blogs about site owners who employed link farms, FFA's, and link exchange programs only to watch their sites disappear from the search engine results.