We live in a beautiful world of lives.
Looking at the clouds outside the plane window, I felt like I was living in a beautiful world of clouds.
One day a young man was standing in a crowded place, shouting that he had the most beautiful heart in the world.
The Zoo has some of the most beautiful and rare creatures in the world and offers you a great chance to visit wild animals.
Halle Berry is 43 years old, but if you started a discussion over who is the most beautiful woman in the world, her name would still come up.
All the people in the world wish to enjoy a beautiful and peaceful life.
The man said, "I only wrote the truth, I said what you said, but in a different way." What he had written was, "Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it." We're very lucky because we can not only see the beautiful world but also help others. So, enjoy what you have owned today!
这个人说:“我只是写出了真相,我说了你所说的,但方式不同。” 他所写的是:“今天是美好的一天,但我却看不见它。”我们很幸运,因为我们不仅可以看到美丽的世界,也帮助别人看到美丽的世界。所以,享受你今天所拥有的吧!
Halle Berry is 43 years old, and if you started a discussion over who is the most beautiful woman in the world, her name would still come up.
Don't judge a book by its cover, goes the old adage, but Swank Magazine has undone it, its main attraction being its invariably hot cover, featuring some of the most beautiful women in the world.
In a world pollinated only by gusts and breezes, spring would be less beautiful.
Look at cultures all around the world that eat beautiful meals in a simple bowl.
Let's remember that that's the problem here: there is a divide in this beautiful world of ours, with hedonistic cultural assassins on the one side and altruistic defenders of the good on the other.
He makes it a point to lavish praise on everything from South African fans to the organizing committee to the city of Pretoria ('One of the most beautiful in the world').
A harbor, which is, perhaps, the most beautiful and perfect in the world, stretched before him far to the west, till it was lost on the distant horizon.
He was convinced that the more beautiful an equation, the more likely it was to be accurate - in other words, he saw a picture of the world that was of such beauty that it had to be true.
And I live in a very beautiful part of the world so it is good for them to be able to see that.
Every beautiful thing has a natural pride in its own beauty, and today the world is allowing its pride to seep from every pore.
There are few cities in the world blessed with a more beautiful setting than Seattle.
Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.
With all the lovely women in the world, counting down the ten most beautiful female celebrities 2010 is certainly a great task.
And just in closing, I'd just like to say this beautiful world that we live on — Here we see a bit of the snow that some of you may have had to brave in coming out.
We live in a world blessed with sights that are beautiful beyond words.
To a ten-year-old country boy it was the most beautiful place in the whole wide world, and I took advantage of it all.
To be loved by a husband is the most beautiful thing in the world. You should endure to be a good wife, so that you have all this happiness and success in your life.
Britons are among the ugliest people in the world, according to a dating website that says it only allows "beautiful people" to join.
Britons are among the ugliest people in the world, according to a dating website that says it only allows "beautiful people" to join.