In your second term you will participate in a field trip to a major European city.
When I was in third grade, she urged our teacher to organize a field trip to Chicago museums.
But when it's your busiest time at work and you're asked to chaperone a field trip, inquire if you can help at school later in the year.
In fact, Summer lends the perfect time to take your kids on a field trip to a local farm.
They had been going full speed with activities since 7:30 a.m., including a field trip to the New York Hall of Science in Queens.
Another time, when I was on a trip in Puerto Rico, I had a helicopter land in her neighborhood's baseball field just to see her.It was the only way I could do it because I had no time.
Another time, when I was on a trip in Puerto Rico, I had a helicopter land in her neighborhood's baseball field just to see her. It was the only way I could do it because I had no time.
Each of the attributes in Listing 1 maps cleanly and easily to a corresponding field in the Trip table.
This trip would more likely be done for pleasure, not work, although if you work in a creative field, you may be working on a big project and loving every minute!
Rick: Oh, right. We studied Native American history in seventh grade. My class came here for a field trip?
On his first official field trip as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Roger today met with tsunami-affected children in Tamil Nadu in southern India.
I visited Little Rock on a fifth-grade field trip to the state Capitol, the highlight of which was a visit to the governors office with the chance to sit in the absent governors chair.
Birdseye was a field biologist and it was on a field trip in Labrador, Canada that his interest in freezing techniques was piqued.
Andrew, his cousin and friends in the party, through a breathtaking field caving trip, and accident free super ability to manipulate objects.
The Friz thinks a field trip is in order to explore what teeth do and why they have different shapes.
It turned out that Liu's home field in a long-distance truck drivers, transport running out all the year round, while the prime of life, he half month trip home is common.
The invention relates to a travel folding round house, in particular to a folding round house which can be used in field trip or encampment.
本发明涉及一种旅行折叠圆屋,具体地说是涉及一种可以在野外郊游或 宿营时使用的可折叠圆形房屋。
In spring, people on a field trip, on the outskirts of the sketch.
When I was a third-grade student in the 1960s, my school organized a field trip to an exhibit of suffering, where, under the direction of our teacher, we cried bitter tears.
When I was a third-grade student in the 1960s, my school organized a field trip to an exhibit of suffering, where, under the direction of our teacher, we cried bitter tears.