Simply put,they unconsciously start to behave in a like manner.
Simply put, they unconsciously start to behave in a like manner.
An enterprise is a kind of system, and one can analyze it in a like manner.
In seeing Bingley, her thoughts naturally flew to her sister; and oh! How ardently did she long to know whether any of his were directed in a like manner.
Much of the time, however, you would just like for a few "attributes" to act in a special manner but let other attributes operate as plain attributes.
I find it difficult to do “matchy matchy,” so I like things to sit together in a kind of haphazard manner.
All messages are XML-based, packaged with S-MIME and a little bit of SOAP, and exchanged in a secure manner over public networks like the web.
所有的消息都基于XML,用s -MIME和一些SOAP打包,并且以一种安全的方式在公共网络(如web)上进行交换。
WS-Routing (this enables SOAP-based protocol for routing SOAP messages in an asynchronous manner over a variety of transports like TCP, UDP and HTTP).
WS - Routing(它使基于SOAP的协议能够在各种传输协议(如tcp、UDP和HTTP)上以异步方式路由SOAP消息)。
Hughes's mood was not helped by the manner in which United celebrated the winning goal, complaining that the unused substitute Gary Neville had "run on like a lunatic".
In a voyeuristic manner, we like to watch other people's lives, as, in the case of soap operas, they are just like ours, but more interesting.
And therein lies the problem: gathering information and building up profiles, if not done in a sensitive and transparent manner, can look an awful lot like snooping.
You'll still retain the swing, but this year you're going to feel a lot more like a hummingbird: still mobile, still getting things done, but in a much more elegant manner.
Might the two fields nudge each other along in a self-perpetuating, wave-like manner?
We also see that the activities run in parallel, typically exchanging information and work packages in a highly efficient, cross-functional manner -- just like in the RUP.
But Yang still cleans and sets tables in a robot-like manner.
It looks like a film that knows it's got silly ideas and is a comic book movie, but isn't handled in a cheesy or overly goofy manner.
Obviously, war is not a symptom of disease or the work of microbes, but it does spread geographically in a disease-like manner, usually as groups take up warfare in response to war-like neighbors.
Like many testers, I'm always wondering how we can do a better job of delivering the right software in a timely manner.
As an example, writing code that is formatted in a consistent manner is more valuable than code that was written in a hurry — lacking comments, proper indentation and the like.
For people who have been to the epidemic region in the previous two weeks, if he develops any flu-like symptom after entering into China, he shall contact the local CIQ in a timely manner.
Something like this is a drastic change to db4o because it stores objects in a manner that keys off of classname.
In truth, I would miss men. I would miss their smell, and their fragile sweetness, and the way they look at Match of the Day 2 in that lopsided manner, like a lion ogling a chicken.
So instead of talking about serious stuff like work, school or your family, try to behave in a flirtatious manner and talk about fun things.
The artist beamed and continued in like manner giving me enough copy for a small report.
Using a structure like this, you can easily send whole objects back and forth as parameters or responses. You can even create nested structures in the following manner.
This information is stored in Explain tables, and can later be formatted using tools like visual Explain, db2expln, dynexpln, and db2exfmt to present it in a visual-friendly manner.
该信息存储在explain表中,可以在稍后使用诸如Visual Explain、db 2 expln、dynexpln和db2exfmt的工具进行格式化,从而以友好的可视方式进行表示。
Essentially, it means acting in a polite, business-like manner through the entire hiring process, whether or not you actually hire us.
The gentleman looked fidging fain to be gone, but submitted in a manner that made mary like him .
The gentleman looked fidging fain to be gone, but submitted in a manner that made mary like him .