In this case, having to then let go of the book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss, and motivate us to make the purchase even more.
White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had a lasting positive effect on people's sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time.
After six months, the employees who participated in ROWE reported reduced work-family conflict and a better sense of control of their time, and they were getting a full hour of extra sleep each night.
You want to show it as one of the five steps so that users maintain a sense of where they are in the process, but step 5 actually occurs after the checkout process is complete.
In 1995, after recovering from a viral infection, something happened to his sense of smell.
Then a sense of vertigo set in; perhaps the north had "won" after all.
After two years in Egypt, I had developed a sense of humor about my inevitable social gaffes, but they were still embarrassing.
In experiments, a blindfolded harbor seal can detect the passage of a fish by using its whiskers to sense changes in flow velocity - even 30 seconds after its prey has passed by.
The effect was especially strong after participants had spend five minutes outside and their bodies had had a chance to sense the change in temperature, Dr Gallup said.
Spanish literature was passing into its period of swagger, a period that came to all literatures of modern Europe after the training in classics had given afresh the sense of style.
Nicknamed "Little Sweetie" after a comic-book character with a similarly beguiling smile and sense of style, her picture was a constant presence in the local papers.
In a sense, James said, it cannot be wrong: the GPL guarantees that right, after all.
In this scenario, we have reason to believe that the condition which caused the exception is transitory, and it makes sense to retry the transaction after a period of time.
Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security.
Just running or drooning around day after day filled with anxiety, stress and a low sense of self expressed in all kinds of direct or indirect ways ain't no fun.
After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency, maybe two or three colors, in the aura.
Obviously, this aesthetic consciousness, resulting in a practical sense in the clothes after the utilitarian purpose of the first in the aesthetic consciousness is evident.
In this sense, "the Fisherman" is not, after all, a poem that's very different from "the Song of the Wandering Aengus."
After Athena's death, and in my search to help it all make sense, I put together a personal action plan that followed six simple steps.
But after a month or two, Henrik says, 'I gave up, basically, in the sense that we continued to play chess occasionally, but I didn't have any ambitions.
This can be an odd concept if you are used to testing after you have finished coding, but there is a lot of sense in this approach.
But after all, objectivity of thought, in Kant's sense, is again to a certain extent subjective.
Players are more likely to log out of a game immediately after a substantial achievement has been made, after feeling as sense of satisfaction in the accomplishment.
While it once made sense for people who could afford it to buy a home and flip it after two years, and the market has improved moderately this year, we're hardly in a boom.
After the training program, the handball athletes demonstrated a significant improvement in joint position sense.
They are, after all, in a sense our very own babies, the conceptions of our minds.
Choosing an easier goal that can be accomplished in a few months and then setting another goal after that will provide you with the encouragement and sense of accomplishment you need.
Choosing an easier goal that can be accomplished in a few months and then setting another goal after that will provide you with the encouragement and sense of accomplishment you need.