I was in a shopping mall, so I decided to go and get a cup of coffee.
Probably everyone with a portable device has once logged on to a public WiFi network without paying for it, while they are having a coffee, on a train, in a shopping mall or at a hotel.
We had our dinner in a shopping mall.
Open up a kiosk in a shopping mall for a week.
I got a part-time job to earn the money and bought it in a shopping mall.
Thai workers decorate a giant Christmas tree in a shopping mall in Bangkok.
Plus, far-future gender politics and teenagers with machine guns in a shopping mall.
Yesterday, I took some photo of transformers which displayed in a shopping mall.
A big fire broke out in a shopping mall but luckily all the people were able to escape.
For instance, one of their female assistants asked people in a shopping mall to stop and answer survey questions.
This is a vending machine in Los Angeles. It's in a shopping mall, and it sells fish eggs. It's a caviar vending machine.
One of the new entrants that worries the studios can be seen in a shopping mall in Crenshaw, at the smart end of south-central Los Angeles.
The very public washrooms – there is also one for women – are located in a shopping mall in Hankou, and have been open for more than a week.
Loftus instructed Chris's older brother to present Chris with a false story of being lost in a shopping mall at age 5, and she instructed Chris to write down everything he remembered.
On the Friendship Day in Argentina, a huge Coca-Cola vending machine was placed in a shopping mall, aiming to encourage consumers to reach the button with the help of their friends.
In "Dawn of the Dead", his 1978 follow-up, Mr Romero created a satire on consumerism, as survivors take refuge in a shopping mall, besieged by zombies driven by a "primitive memory" to gather there.
The Grove shopping center, which opened in 2002, performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one.
The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake.
It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the local shopping mall.
Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.
ElmCity应该关注OakCitymall的例子,并拒绝在 Elm City建立购物中心的申请。
In Dubai, for example, there are plans for a new shopping mall with a large garden, so shoppers can relax outside with trees, plants and water.
To go for a party, Sally is choosing suitable shoes to match her new silk dress in the shopping mall.
The Grove shopping centre, which opened in 2002, performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one.
I knew a kid when I went shopping with my mother in a mall.
When you drive to a shopping center or mall, park in the space farthest from the door.
There’s a good sports shop in the shopping mall.
I first met him at lunch at Wyatts Cafeteria in the big shopping mall on a hill between Fayetteville and Springdale.
Across the Bio Bio River in the city of San Pedro, looters cleared out a shopping mall.
Across the Bio Bio River in the city of San Pedro, looters cleared out a shopping mall.