In this kind of literature, they can make sense strictly out of a sort of fabular logic.
Of course he spoke with a conventional sense of duty only, for that sort of wondering had not been unknown to himself in bygone days.
In a, sort of, classical mechanic sense, a continuum of states, all with different energies. It's hard.
He just sort of plunges you into their speech, into their lives, and you have to, in a sense, work to get into their character to be able to keep track of who is speaking.
B in fact, it's even a question whether a is a, but it's certainly not b, right? This much we know. In the grammatical sense there is no sort of mystification about the metaphor.
And also in a very sort of pragmatic sense, in a negative way, it's tax-deductible.
So many of you are stuck in a sort of vague sense that you cannot have what you want, that you are somehow not good enough.
'it's almost as if they're in some kind of identity crisis. In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp.'
In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp. '.
In a sense, is already a sort of compression algorithm (it produces somewhat smaller files), but the real point is not to use it directly but as a foundation for further compression.
从某种意义上,xml2struct . py已经是一种压缩算法(它生成了相对较小的文件),但真正要点是并非直接使用它而是将其作为进一步压缩的基础。
In contrast the word camaraderie which comes from the same source as comrade means “familiarity” and sort of a team or group feeling, a warmth, and has never taken on a communist sense.
另一与camrade来源一样的词是camaraderie【译注:意为亲密,友情, 友爱】, 表达”熟识,亲近“之意,带有群体感,温馨等意思。 Camaraderie这词却从来没有”共“味。
In this sense threshold means a sort of transition point like the threshold when an FM radio signal breaks through from being just static to being music (or maybe an AD).
In this case, since the program really does have to run in a shell anyway, it even sort of makes sense to do it this way.
In a given crisis and against a specific enemy, some sort of loitering boost-phase system could well make sense.
There has always been a sort of been-there, done-that sense about Jackson's career since he began collecting titles in Chicago.
And just to give you a sense, if you do a cross-cut of this, you cannot show it from this Angle, but it should really be sort of a dumbbell shape with the nodal plane in between the two nuclei.
Yet the revulsion Herr Schindler felt was of a piquant kind, an ancient, exultant sense of abomination-of the same sort as, in a mediaeval painting, the just show for the damned.
Death penalty reprieve, in the sense of penology cannot be deemed a sort of alternative.
In some sense, a "Shanghai man" is the symbol of stability and prosperity of Chinese society because this sort of man always knows how to cater to his wife's taste.
In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp.
More than just a sort of description, his painting is a sort of bestowal, a sort of contribution given to his works of art in a sense of life, and a way for him to comment on life.
More than just a sort of description, his painting is a sort of bestowal, a sort of contribution given to his works of art in a sense of life, and a way for him to comment on life.