If you are in a state of fear then you won't take the leap and help.
Victims of abuse often live in a state of fear, confusion, and overwhelming sadness.
In a state of fear the blood rushes to his heart and his limbs to prepare him for flight.
Ask yourself and notice whether you are living in a state of fear and anxiety or whether you feel calm and optimistic everyday.
So much has been lost and so much has fractured over time that most humans exist in a state of fear whether they consciously acknowledge it or not.
Because we cannot or do not know how to trust in ourselves, we constantly live in a state of fear and worry (which is part of the reason we have knee jerk reactions).
Yes, they certainly have moments of elation, but it is not an exaggeration to say that most of the time they are in a state of fear, anger, frustration, anxiety, disappointment, betrayal, and regret.
We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear.
When you do something you haven't done before, your ego goes into a state of alarm: “Watch out! Danger!” and then fear kicks in.
The fear, rather, is that with all the state institutions now in conservative hands the unelected centres of power are coalescing behind a single hard line and taking over all the top jobs.
Do you live in a state of constant stress, anxiety, fear and panic, or do you enjoy peace of mind?
Suddenly, Brazilians fear for the state of mind of a player who, in the current squad, is seen as the man who has the quality to steer the country towards a sixth world title.
Then the mind is in a state of high sensitivity, of high receptivity, of great tranquillity, because there is no fear.
When you do something you haven't done before, your ego goes into a state of alarm: "Watch out! Danger! " and then fear kicks in.
Regrettably some teachings play upon the idea of an angry God that metes out punishment, and it is used as a way to keep people in a continual state of fear and obedience.
And many educators fear that an increase in the use of state exams will lead to a corresponding rise in cheating.
For many of us, this means living in a constant state of high alert, or a state of fear.
They try to keep us in a state of dependence and fear through the media that they control.
A person in the state of hypomania might be immune to fear and doubt and have little social inhibition.
In language learning, motivation and attitudes are related to anxiety defined as a state of apprehension, a vague fear.
Spurred on by poor standards in state schools, a lack of moral direction in the classroom and the fear of murderous playground shootings, more parents are teaching their children.
Another cause "fear the night," the reason for this is because of our eyes in the dark sight greatly reduced, which makes us in a state of serious lack of information.
Another cause "fear the night," the reason for this is because of our eyes in the dark sight greatly reduced, which makes us in a state of serious lack of information.