But it was so lightning that in a tick it had given his right wrist a bite with a crack and disappeared into her bag.
Put a tick in the appropriate box if you would like further information about any of our products.
Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become "computer-literate", in other words, to learn to understand computers and what makes them tick.
The population problem cannot be solved in a technical way, any more than can the problem of winning the game of tick-tack-toe.
In the very first "tick," the NumbersInt process writes the integer 0 onto channel a.
Local infection rates in nymphal ticks may be low (< 20%) with a low risk of infection (<5%) from a detected, attached tick (most people who get Lyme disease do not notice the tick).
You quickly tick off the 13 organizations that have sent you letters, a three-page request summary that serves as the first step in the proposal submission process for the foundation.
On average, with each up-tick in BMI, a woman's cognitive test score decreased by nearly a full point as well-even after adjusting for vascular disease risks and other demographic factors.
They had found a complete skeleton. The location matched the photograph and the remains were, to say the least, unconventional - another tick in the box.
Chemical evidence also revealed a sharp up-tick in atmospheric carbon at the time, possibly spewed into the atmosphere when lava infiltrated and cooked pre-existing coal seams.
In a sub-Saharan context the virus is spread through transmission in warthogs and other wild pig species and can be transmitted by a particular type of tick.
在非洲撒哈拉以南地区,病毒通过疣猪和其它野猪等传播,也可通过特定类型的虱子传播。 在家猪中直接传播是一个日益严重的问题。
Vietnam is one of the few Asian countries with both a fiscal budget deficit and a current-account deficit, and inflation, while much lower than in 2008, has started to tick up again.
Avoid placing ticks in black film containers or using cellophane tape to mount the tick to paper, a note card or a slide if it needs to be identified or tested.
Each tick disappears after a few seconds (as shown in Figure 9).
Habit reversal training teaches people to become more aware of the urge to tic, then has them engage in a behavior that competes with the tick, such as rhythmic breathing.
A live tick can be placed in a crush proof container with a blade of grass to keep it alive (a sealable plastic bag also will work).
While ticks are unlikely to be encountered in open fields, children chasing balls off the field or cutting through woods to school may be entering a high-risk tick area.
The first censuses did little more than tick off the number of people living in a particular house.
I think about how slowly the time must tick by before they reach the final moment when they step in front of a panel of 19 distinguished judges.
This approach may be particularly useful when working in the yard, clearing leaves, and doing other landscaping activity with a high risk of tick exposure.
Better policing has contributed to a fall in the state's murder rate (though it did tick slightly upwards last year).
0% with flat ticks, 10% with engorged ticks in one study. Only 14-32% of patients diagnosed with Lyme disease remember a feeding tick.
In the same continuous clock tick as a person is different environment to learn new knowledge.
The tick rate (jiffies's least significant bit) is configurable, but in a recent 2.6 kernel for x86, a tick equals 4ms (250hz).
滴答速率(jiffies的最不重要的位)可以配置,但在最近针对x86的2.6内核中,一次滴答等于4ms (250hz)。
A lot of variation in tick Numbers between homes, larger properties are more likely to harbor ticks because they are more likely to have woodlots.
A lot of variation in tick Numbers between homes, larger properties are more likely to harbor ticks because they are more likely to have woodlots.