'Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.
Can I help you? "the colorful flower said in a weak voice."
"Nice way to welcome a new-born child," he complained in a weak voice.
The other person replied in a weak voice, "Sorry, I had to wake you up."
Grandfather smiled sadly and said in a weak voice, "I wish it were that easy."..
Grandfather smiled sadly and said in a weak voice, "I wish it were that easy..."
Pretty soon she looked over at the stairs and said in a weak voice, "I never came up the stairs before."
'She's at Thornfield Hall, ' replied Mason in a weak voice. 'I'm her brother and I've seen her there. '
Grandfather smiled sadly and said in a weak voice, "I wish it were that easy..." But to please her, he took a tiny bite of the apple.
When others were back at work, the teacher bent over Jack's desk and asked whose hand it was, "It's your hand, teacher, " he said in a weak voice.
With a voice so weak that it hardly could be heard, she whispered, "No one lives in this house."
The Duchess began in a low, weak voice.
We screamed in the weak voice of a parrot for Totchy to come and wash those dishes.
As I was about to apologize for disturbing her, the woman began to speak in a weak, cracking voice.
The European Union countries have a fairly weak voice in this conflict.
If only my mouth, before it should be silenced by a bullet, could shout this name in such a way that it could be heard in Germany... my voice, my human voice, was weak.
'a fine day, your Majesty!' the Duchess began in a low, weak voice.
"Refactor with abandon!" can be heard in the distance as defects become a distant memory and the responsibility of the weak and inferior. But there is one small, dissenting voice that says.
"The Flea, terrified, whimpered in a weak little voice," Oh, Sir! Pray let me go; don't kill me!
"The Flea, terrified, whimpered in a weak little voice," Oh, Sir! Pray let me go; don't kill me!