In addition to the two modes mentioned here, developers can choose from lots of other approaches according to their specific scenarios and requirements.
Other countries have trimmed their taxes on jobs in addition to (or instead of) wage subsidies.
In addition, they are also connected to each other and to their counterparts in other parts of the world through social networks.
In addition to vintage prints hung in their original sequence, the show displays contact sheets with thousands of other shots.
In many other cultures, people put noise-making objects-from taps to castanets to beads-on their bodies or clothes while they dance. In addition, dancers frequently clap, snap and stomp.
In addition, my number shapes are semantically meaningful, which is to say that I am able to visualize their relationship to other Numbers.
Some schools, like Shanghai's prestigious Fudan University, are moving slowly away from the institution by basing their admissions on other factors in addition to gaokao scores.
In addition, the raw data is likely to be released into the public domain, so that other researchers can dig for hidden patterns and make their own conclusions.
In addition to being unfair to ourselves, this reaction makes the other person feel silly because we are refuting their honest opinion.
Top universities favor students with a wider knowledge of the world and have developed other skills in addition to their high test scores alone, the newspaper said.
In addition, Japan's stock market hit a 26-year low Monday, and the declining valuations there and in other markets have caused Japanese investors to pull back, repatriating capital to their homeland.
In addition to all of the automation, a developer can also adjust times for meetings or other activities during which they’re not active at their computer.
This rising popularity of Python means that developers currently using other programming languages might be called upon to do some of their projects in Python, in addition to their favorite language.
As Python continues to grow in popularity, it will become more important for other developers to learn about in addition to their language of choice.
In addition to their role in developing Cognos 8 SDK applications, search paths are also used for other non-SDK purposes such as.
In addition, you have the responsibility to cooperate with other healthy members of the family so that their needs can be met as well.
In addition the patient can ask other people who are close to her for help and advice by asking them for their point of view on, for example, a mistake that she has made.
In addition, talking to each other, they can improve their oral English, listening skill and pronunciation skill.
In addition, the infected persons in the "from fear" after can exert their strength to help other infected persons.
In addition, passengers entering the territory of China luggage, postal items and other goods for their own use, should be paid to the Customs Baggage and postal goods import tax.
In addition to using fantasy to meet the needs of people in practice, it also satisfies their quest for knowledge, emotion and aesthetic and other needs.
In addition to enlarging their sales forces, Western drug companies are building other links in emerging markets.
In addition to being able to detect and navigate around their surroundings, they can also detect each other.
In addition, not only consider their own, regardless of the other, a taste to talk a Mei Wan.
In addition, there are other clues in the classical historical documents which would be useful to draw a clearer picture of the Hsiung-nu after their migrated to the West.
In addition, all western powers have their own reservation in similar deals with other countries, and they would not sell the most cutting-edge technologies and arms to other countries.
In addition, all western powers have their own reservation in similar deals with other countries, and they would not sell the most cutting-edge technologies and arms to other countries.