And some people, such as the visually impaired, cannot see CAPTCHA images at all, so this technique exhibits poor accessibility, and can even be illegal in some circumstances.
Rather, I truly believe that most folks aspire to be kind in all circumstances to all beings, unless the situation demands a different response.
The unusual circumstances of Chernobyl have exposed that price to human observers, but it will have to be paid all the time, even in places that have not fallen foul of radioactive plumes.
He said Britain was opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances.
Rather, in my humble opinion, it is the circumstances that make or break an individual's reaction to a situation when it demands total truthfulness in all forms of it.
Microsoft recommends using this particular transform only in specific circumstances. An appropriate scenario involves all of the following criteria.
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.
Now this can be a great thing in certain circumstances, but not all the time.
All of us at least have in common a concern with the potential complexity of those circumstances that surround interpretation.
Not all them will apply in all circumstances. Sometimes XML is just a persistence format that is thrown across a wire where the lifespan is but a few milliseconds.
This does not mean that co-ordinated intervention is all-powerful; but in the correct circumstances, it is a powerful signalling device for private-sector capital flows.
This prevents the test from accidentally passing in all circumstances, making for a test that doesn't actually test anything (a tautology test).
这可以防止测试意外地通过所有情况,也就是说,测试实际上没有测试任何东西(同义反复 测试)。
This holds that the present circumstances are in fact all wrong.
In ideal circumstances, you measure all the cells and take the average.
The majority of the group (who are all members of the public) supported their use under specific circumstances, a perspective that was not warmly reported in newspapers such as the Telegraph.
You have a story for every experience in which God has helped you. You should make a list of all the problems, circumstances, and crises that God has brought you through.
I wish that I could I could say that, after more than 30 years of walking with the Lord, I have discovered a foolproof method for knowing the will of God in all circumstances.
The truth not only sets you free but it provides you with a reason to seek the most out of life, with a view to doing your best in all circumstances.
There are Laws of the Universe that we obey, and we act in all circumstances as your mentors and for your protection.
The same defect manifests itself under similar circumstances in all units without exception, including those that were fixed by Nokia's authorized service centers.
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.
And indeed this is Shared by the phenomena which occur in all these circumstances.
You should also understand that certification authorities cannot in all circumstances check the validity of a digital certificate on which a digital signature is based.
In assessing a fine, the commission said it would take into account all relevant circumstances.
She began to feel that she had not yet gone through all the changes of opinion and sentiment which the progress of time and variation of circumstances occasion in this world of changes.
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.
In general, in the assessment of such damages, all circumstances of the case, including the gravity, duration and consequences of the grievance, have to be taken into account.
In general, in the assessment of such damages, all circumstances of the case, including the gravity, duration and consequences of the grievance, have to be taken into account.