In order to enable this kind of integration, sites need to access the user resources from other sites, and these are often protected (private family photos, work documents, bank records).
Creditors have a key role to play in corporate governance, and in this context the work of the People's bank of China on regulating and supervising commercial Banks is of central importance.
P:Well, you know you can't work in a bank for 12 years without getting used to general foutine .
One is to build branches rather than buy a bank, which might work in some places.
When Bill's uncle came home that evening, his wife told him that Bill wanted to work in a bank.
I would also like to thank the Governors and the Board of Executive Directors for their partnership in the work of the Bank.
"I'll work in a bank," he said to himself, "because my uncle works in one".
比尔从学校毕业时,希望能找份体面的工作。 “我要到银行工作,”他心想,“我的叔父就是一个银行职员。”
The Governor shall direct the work of The People's Bank of China, the Deputy Governors shall assist the Governor in his or her work.
Officers who work bank holidays without eight days notice get double pay plus a day off in lieu.
Part of the World Bank loan of US$ 38.4 million will go toward financing significant, high quality conservation work in neglected parts of Maijishan.
In this section, User2 will set up individual work areas by creating a Web view and importing the Piggy Bank UML project into the workspace.
In 1980, her father introduced her to an acquaintance at Nedcor Bank and she started work as a teller.
Turned down for a mortgage by the National bank of Detroit, Bing decided not to boycott the bank but to work there in the off-season to learn the lending business.
在一次申请分期付款被底特律国家银行(NationalBankof Detroit)拒绝以后,他没有把这家银行作为抵制对象,而是在比赛淡季去那里工作,学习贷款业务。
Radical hairstyles, like a Mohawk, are not a good idea if you work in a bank or for an insurance company, for example, even if you fantasize about being a rock star.
In retrospect, that business of the bank taking money out of an account and dispensing it doesn't work, because Banks don't do that (tellers do, bank officers do, Banks do not).
By the time the conference call ended, it was nearly midnight at bank of America's headquarters in Charlotte, N.C., but the bank's counterespionage work was only just beginning.
I work for a us bank in London and have just been given a bonus for 2008, which was 60 per cent of my 2007 bonus.
For several years, the bank has been encouraging employees to work with peers in other groups.
Moreover, recent work by the World Bank shows that the probability of success for development projects (most notably in promoting the private sector) increases as peace becomes durable.
We will work more closely with firms and individuals to identify misuse of funds in World Bank financed private-sector projects.
"Our work begins and ends with the poor in mind," said World Bank Managing Director Juan Jose Daboub.
World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz says more importantly the Bank has committed to work in co-ordination with the international community to ensure resources are used effectively and transparently.
The bank of Japan could have used the money to intervene in the currency market by selling yen in an effort to drive down the price, but the bank is, with good reason, afraid this won't work.
Full-time work in the holidays can be tax-free and good for your CV as well as your bank balance.
Jack: No, I work in the bank near the hospital.
Maybe you want to have enough money in the bank to take a six-month sabbatical from work, so that you can travel.
The world Bank also shares knowledge of what we've learnt elsewhere in the world about works and what doesn't work in the global fight against poverty.
I live in Yokohama and work for a bank.
Work in a bank trouble force, good hope someone can help me a hand. Result is really efficacy: down the stairs, unprovoked was pushed from behind a.
Work in a bank trouble force, good hope someone can help me a hand. Result is really efficacy: down the stairs, unprovoked was pushed from behind a.